Page 34 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 34
Metabolism Protein ...catalyzing the
breakdown of foods
Once proteins are
created, they do or medicines that
enter the body into
important jobs inside
and outside the cells. something useful
One of these and breaking down
jobs is... unnecessary or harmful
substances into something
that can be expelled
more easily.
This breaking down
of substances is
referred to as
Proteins play
the central role
in driving that
Breaking down For example, Since The medicine you take
food into nutrients, alcohol is highly toxic when you're sick needs to
to the body, it's broken be broken down as well.
absorbing these down by liver cells and Proteins in the liver help
nutrients, and changing changed into a nontoxic
your body simplify that
them into substances substance. medicine into substances
your body can use that produce the desired
to replenish itself... This is also the job of a
specialized protein! healing effect in the
These are all jobs for right location.
specialized proteins!