Page 32 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 32

2. What Happens Inside a Cell?

    Cells create proteins and                                          To learn about
generate the energy required                                        the chemistry of a

     for an organism to live.                                         living creature...

They are bulding blocks that act                                         you first have
 in conjunction with other cells                                        to learn about
    to construct the bodies of
               living creatures.                                         what happens
                                                                       inside its cells.
Energy           Protein
                                                                                Okay Kumi,
I wonder what                                                                    listen up!
my cells are up

 to right now.

 Hmmmm...                 Knock
Better to                       knock
not think
about it...

Here’s what happens inside a cell!

There are other details
we’ll learn about later,
 but for now we’ll just

 talk about these four
       main processes.

             Protein synthesis

             Energy production
             Pahlogtaoe,saynndthseosimse(obcaccutresriain) plants,
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