Page 30 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 30

What are the components of a cell?

   The cytosol contains    Cells are filled with a thick
          many proteins,        liquid called cytosol.

  saccharides, and other   subunits called organelles
   cellular components.          float in the cytosol.
It’s the location of many
                            The largest organelle,
    cellular processes     located in the middle of
  like signaling, protein  the cell, is the nucleus.

        trafficking, and   nucleus  Endoplasmic reticulum
           cell division.                   and ribosome

             Mitochondria                                                      Golgi apparatus


                                    cytoplasm is a general term used to refer
                                     to all the liquid inside the cell membrane,

                                          including within organelles. The cell
                                           membrane is a type of lipid bilayer.

                                The cell membrane                    Phospholipid
                           plays several important
                                                          phosphate  Hydrophilic
                                    roles, such as           group    (attracted
                           communication between                       to water)
                             cells, absorption of              acid  hydrophobic
                           nutrients, and expulsion                  (repelled by

                                        of waste.                         water)

16 Chapter 1                                            Phospholipids form a bilayer
                                                        with their water-repelled tails
                                                      pointing inward and their water-
                                                     attracted heads pointing outward.
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