Page 33 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 33

Protein synthesis                                                       wow, are
                                                                  proteins really
         When you hear                                             that delicious,
          “protein,” you
      probably think of                                                er, I mean,
     the nutrients found                                              important?
          in foods, but...

                                        For living creatures
                                        like us, proteins are
                                       vital substances that
                                    are largely responsible
                                     for keeping our bodies


        Absolutely!                       Remember when
     Our bodies are                 RoboCat looked at the
                                    DNA inside the nucleus?
       maintained by
 different proteins                          DNA  Gene (protein
       carrying out
        their duties.                               RNA           Ribosome
                                                                        Amino acid
• Maintenance of
  cellular structure                Nucleus                       Cytoplasm

• Digestion                                              Protein
• Muscle creation
• Protection from viral,                                            A protein's blueprint, or
                                                                     gene, is encoded in the
  fungal, and parasitic                                               DNA inside the nucleus.
                                             Proteins are created by ribosomes,
                           Protein                found in the cytoplasm, based
                                                               on this blueprint.
       proteins are
    by every cell in

         our body.


                                    ProteinProtein           The ribosomes are
                                                         like chefs following a
                                                         recipe to make a meal!
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