Page 36 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 36

Energy production                                              you said you
                                                               were running
   By the way,                                                 low on cash
                                                                 this month,
                                                                 didn't you?

hee hee  What?!                               Well, to be
 hee                                            honest, I
                 No, I’m not!
                    I mean...                guess I am a
                                           little strapped

                                                for cash.

                                                   In today's  I Gotta stop telling my
                                                      modern       professors about

                                               society, money    my money problems...
                                                is essential
                                           for almost any
                                            activity, right?

            In a similar way,                               This is the substance
       cells have something                                    called adenosine
        that is essential for
                                                            triphosphate, or ATP.
               their activity.

 It's like currency,
  but it's used for
chemical reactions

      in our cells.

                             A-deen-oh...                   Um...let’s just
                                  what?                     stick with ATP.

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