Page 37 - The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
P. 37

ATP is essential                                              $
for many activities!
       • synthesizing proteins
       • Powering chemical reactions
       • Performing photosynthesis

You can’t do anything                                    As you can see, ATP is
     if you don’t have                                  essential to cells and

  money to’s                                  metabolism, just like
      so depressing.                                  money is essential to us!

                                                                                 Has my
                                                                          moved her to
                                                                        tears? Amazing!


      To maintain essential                           Gotta make    ATP is created
   cellular and metabolic                              more ATP!  by mitochondria
   processes, cells must
produce a constant supply                                            and proteins
    of ATP. To do this, they                                         found in the
   require sugar content
    (that is, saccharides*)
             and oxygen.

                                  It's no exaggeration
                                 to say that we eat and
                                 breathe to create ATP,
                              which is then used to fund
                              the activities of proteins.

   Another day,                  Just like                            Remember: ATP
another dollar!                working to                            is the “common
                              earn a living,
                                                                       currency” of
                                   isn’t it?                      energy that’s used

* These saccharides are also known as carbohydrates.                 by proteins to
                                                                       keep us alive.
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