Page 125 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 125

116 4.3  Common Feeding Problems in Infancy

   when infants change from breastfeeding to              If conservative management with diet fails to
   formula feeding or from a whey-dominant             resolve constipation, then the infant should be
   formula to a casein-dominant formula                referred for further medical opinion.

●● over-concentrating of the infant formula            Food Hypersensitivity (Food
                                                       Allergy and Food Intolerance)
●● inadequate fluid intake, including underfeeding
                                                       About 2–5 per cent of infants are sensitive to
●● cow’s milk protein intolerance.                     certain foods, but many more parents suspect that
                                                       a food is causing problems for their infant (Venter
Constipation may also begin with weaning onto          et al. 2006).
solid food.
                                                          The foods that most commonly cause problems are
Management of constipation                             milk, eggs, soya, fish, wheat and peanuts. Many infants
in formula-fed infants                                 grow out of it by 12 months so it is important that the
                                                       condition is monitored carefully to ensure special
●● Fluid intake: Ask parents to keep a feed diary for  diets are not continued for longer than necessary.
   2–3 days. Check the volume of feed given/kg
   actual body weight/24 hours against                 Symptoms
   recommended intake (see page 96).
                                                       Symptoms of immediate-onset allergy may occur
●● Check that the infant formula is being made up      up to one hour after food ingestion and include
   according to the manufacturer’s instructions        skin manifestations (urticaria, itching, rash),
   and not being over-concentrated or under-           vomiting, angioedema and anaphylaxis. Delayed-
   concentrated.                                       onset reactions are harder to diagnose and may not
                                                       manifest until hours or days after the ingestion of
●● Casein-dominant milks can be more                   the offending food. Possible symptoms include
   constipating than whey-dominant milks so a          eczema, chronic diarrhoea, colic/abdominal pain
   change from casein-dominant to                      and faltering growth.
   whey-dominant formula may help.
●● Changing to a modified formula for minor
   digestive problems may help as the fats in these    The gold standard test is the placebo-controlled
   formula are different to standard formulas          double-blind food challenge. In clinical practice,
   (Moro et al. 2002, Schmelzle et al. 2003).          however, open challenges are usually performed
                                                       where parents and practitioners know what is in
●● A two-week trial of a hydrolysed protein or         the food. Food challenges are an integral part of
   amino acid-based formula will indicate if the       diagnosis in order to:
   cause is cow’s milk protein intolerance.
                                                       ●● detect a specific food which causes symptoms –
●● Additional drinks of cooled boiled water can be        a positive result confirms the need to exclude
   offered in between milk feeds and particularly         that food from the diet; or
   in hot weather.
                                                       ●● prove that a specific food is not responsible – an
If the infant is being weaned then check that a           absence of symptoms confirms that a restricted
balanced weaning diet including fruit, vegetables         diet is not needed.
and cereals are being offered. More wholegrain
cereals can be offered such as porridge or wheat-      Once diagnosed, a food causing symptoms should
based breakfast cereals (e.g. Weetabix or              be excluded.
Shreddies). However, bran should not be given to
infants. Also check that drinks or water are being
offered with meals.
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