Page 16 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 16
Nutrients 7
●● the absorption of calcium from food and for calcium since the 1940s and tinned fish with bones
depositing calcium and other minerals into such as sardines is another good source.
bone to give it strength
Copper is involved in energy and protein
●● maintaining calcium levels in the blood – low production. It is found in tiny amounts in all foods.
levels of calcium can cause tetany and fitting Children usually get enough from their food.
which is seen in young infants who are deficient
in vitamin D Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and makes it
resistant to attack by the bacteria that cause
●● as a component of the immune system. tooth decay. The two main sources of fluoride
are toothpaste and tap water. Teeth should be
Many toddlers have low vitamin D levels and it has cleaned twice a day using a fluoride-containing
been reported that rickets, a disease that causes toothpaste:
soft, misshapen bones, is on the increase in toddlers
in the UK. Adolescents are also at risk of rickets. ●● up to the age of 3: a smear of toothpaste
Children with dark skins are particularly at risk as containing 1000 ppm of fluoride
they need longer in the sun to make enough
vitamin D. ●● over the age of 3: a pea-sized amount of
toothpaste containing 1350–1500 ppm of
Because this vitamin is necessary to support the f luoride.
rapid rate of bone growth in the under-fives, a daily
supplement is recommended for them. It used to be There are areas of the UK where tap water is
taken in cod liver oil but vitamin drops are now fluoridated or the water naturally contains
recommended (see pages 110, 136). adequate levels of fluoride. However, there are large
areas of the UK where water does not contain
Vitamin E adequate fluoride. Dentists may recommend
Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that fluoride tablets or drops for children who are at
protects cell structures in the body. It is found in high risk of dental disease. That is those who have:
many foods such as vegetable oils, butter and
margarines, meat, fish and eggs. Children usually ●● a family history of a high caries level
have plenty of vitamin E in their food.
●● medical conditions where treatment for dental
Vitamin K caries should be avoided (e.g. bleeding disorders,
Vitamin K is needed to ensure normal blood cardiac problems)
clotting and is provided mostly by the bacteria in
the intestine. Green leafy vegetables are the best ●● a mental or physical disability, which can make
food source of vitamin K. treatment for dental disease particularly
Advice from a dentist on giving supplements is
Calcium is needed for the structure of healthy crucial as too much fluoride can cause dental
bones and teeth. It is also needed for many key fluorosis – permanent brown spots on the teeth.
functions in the body and the calcium in bone acts
as a store so that there is always a ready supply Iodine forms part of the hormone thyroxine
enabling the muscles, including the heart, to which has several key roles in the body – converting
contract and the nerves and cells to function as food into energy and enabling growth and physical
necessary. Milk, cheese and yogurt are the best and mental development. Iodine deficiency is
sources. Soya beans are a reasonable source of common in some areas of Europe but is rarely seen
calcium but soya milk needs to be fortified with in children in the UK as British milk is a reasonable
extra calcium to provide the same amounts as source of iodine. Fish, milk, yogurt and eggs are
cow’s milk. White bread has been fortified with good sources.
Iron is part of the structure of haemoglobin,
the chemical that carries oxygen to all the cells in
the body via the blood. Oxygen is needed by cells