Page 170 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Healthy Eating Habits in Childcare Settings 161

●● 1 tbsp cream cheese with ½ tsp chopped herbs         ●● cereal bars with added fruit or crushed nuts
   such as chives or parsley
                                                        ●● rice pudding.
●● 1 tbsp cream cheese with a scrape of marmite
                                                        Promoting Healthy Lifestyles and
Cut sandwiches made with sliced bread diagonally        Healthy Eating Habits in Childcare
into four triangles so that only one side of the        Settings
sandwich has a crust. Toddlers find it easier to eat
the sandwich and can leave the crusts if they           When a childcare setting adopts a healthy eating
prefer.                                                 policy and offers nutritious meals and snacks to the
                                                        children, they will be teaching those children
Dips to go with breadsticks or                          healthy eating habits. This will be a valuable
vegetable sticks                                        learning experience for children who do not
●● Hummus                                               encounter a healthy diet in their home, such as
●● Cucumber, mint and yogurt dip                        those never offered vegetables or fruit.
●● Avocado dip such as guacamole
●● Fish or meat pâté mixed with some extra plain           In addition, other activities could be offered,
                                                        such as:
   yogurt or mayonnaise to make them a suitable
   consistency for a dip                                ●● a range of interactive parental education
                                                           sessions to prevent obesity
Salads can be based on any of the following with an     ●● interactive cookery demonstrations
added mix of vegetables. You will usually need to
provide a plastic fork or spoon.                        ●● videos and group discussions on practical issues
                                                           such as healthy eating, meal planning and local
●● Rice                                                    shopping for nutritious foods
●● Pasta
●● Bean                                                 ●● sessions to promote ideas for family activities
●● Lentil                                                  involving physical activity, opportunities and
●● Potato                                                  local facilities for active play

Pudding or second course                                ●● discussion of safety concerns that limit physical
Fruit pieces, yogurt or fromage frais are a nutritious     activity of young children
second course. The following cakes and biscuits all
contain nutrients and can also be included as a         ●● encouraging more walking instead of always using
nutritious second course, served with some fresh           the car or pushing toddlers around in a stroller.
●● fruit cake
●● carrot cake                                          Bedfordshire Health Authority (www.
●● muffins containing fruit                    Has an under-
●● biscuits with dried fruit (e.g. Garibaldi biscuits)  five healthy eating award scheme and has a series of
●● mini tarts with ground nuts (e.g. Bakewell tarts)    downloadable ‘Fun With Food’ resources.
                                                        Caroline Walker Trust ( Resources:
                                                        Eating well for under-5s in childcare; Eating well for
                                                        under-5s in childcare: Training materials; Eating well
                                                        for under-5s: a photo resource.
                                                        National Daycare and Nurseries Association (www.
                                               Publications: Your Essential Guide
                                                        to Nutrition, Serving Food and Oral Health; Your
                                                        Essential Guide to Cooking Healthy, Tasty Food.
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