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Food for Celebrations at Nurseries 159
The nursery thought they had solved the childcare; Eating well for under-5s in childcare:
problem by deciding to have a vegetarian Training materials; Eating well for under-5s: a
menu only so that all the children could eat photo resource.
the same food. However, the vegetarian
dishes were made up from vegetables only ●● The Scottish Government (
with cheese and eggs being included uk/publications): In January 2006 published
sometimes. The menu contained virtually Nutritional Guidance for Early Years: Food
no high-iron foods as no dishes containing Choices for Children Aged 1–5 Years in Early
pulses or nuts had been included to provide Education and Childcare Settings [Guidance].
high-iron alternative foods in place of the These guidelines are very comprehensive,
excluded meat and fish. Consequently, the setting out exactly how often various nutritious
menu offered was low in iron for preschool foods should be offered to children in childcare
children who have very high iron settings. However, it is not compulsory for
requirements. nurseries in Scotland to follow them.
By working with a paediatric dietitian, the ●● National Day Nurseries Association (www.
nursery incorporated lentils, dhal, beans This organization has over 15 000
and other pulses into many of the savoury nurseries as members and sells two publications
vegetarian dishes so that food with higher that they have developed with the help of a
levels of iron and zinc was offered to the paediatric dietitian – Your Essential Guide
children. Chopped and ground tree nuts to Nutrition, Serving Food and Oral Health and
were incorporated into some of the Your Essential Guide to Cooking Healthy, Tasty
desserts to further increase the nutrient Food. They also offer staff training in healthy
content of the menu. eating for toddlers.
Nutritional guidance available for Food for Celebrations at Nurseries
This is usually covered within the food policy if a
Several agencies have developed nutritional nursery has one.
guidance that can be used as the basis of a food
policy and they can all be accessed online: Nurseries that celebrate festivals with some
traditional foods for the meal and snacks on the
●● School Food Trust: Published in June 2012 ‘Eat day of the festival offer children the opportunity to
Better Start Better’ Voluntary Food and Drink learn about the festivals that cultures other than
Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England – their own celebrate.
A Practical Guide (
uk/parents-carers/for-parents-carers/eat-better Birthday celebrations need to be covered
-start-better). Nurseries and child minders can carefully within a food policy. If children are
download these guidelines along with sample allowed to bring in cakes and confectionery on
menus and recipes for using seasonal foods. their birthday to share with their classmates then
this can become more than an occasional treat in a
●● Caroline Walker Trust ( This large nursery group. With up to 30 young children
charity produces nutritional guidelines and in a group there may be a birthday every week. It
staff training packs for different population would be better for the nursery to ban confectionery
groups. The publications that nurseries would altogether and to offer another way of celebrating
find helpful are: Eating well for under-5s in each child’s birthday. For example:
●● allow the birthday child to bring in non-food
items such as balloons or pencils instead