Page 167 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 167

158 5.3  Feeding Preschool Children in Childcare Settings

eater to eat the foods served by the childcare setting    childcare: a nursery or other childcare setting can
will have a negative effect.                              serve whatever foods they choose. There are
                                                          voluntary guidelines but they are not enforceable.
   Toddlers who eat poorly at nursery may leave           This is a failing of our education system as a
feeling tired and hungry. Parents or carers need to be    nutritious diet is very important for preschool
advised that their toddler has eaten very little so that  children to:
a nutritious meal or snack can be offered
immediately on arrival at home. It may be more            ●● ensure they eat nutrient-rich foods to fulfil their
appropriate to offer a quick snack if they are ready         high requirement for nutrients
for a sleep and then a nutritious meal after the sleep.
                                                          ●● teach them healthy eating habits.
   Nutritious snacks for a toddler who has not
eaten well at nursery include:                            Some nurseries will have had expert nutritional
                                                          input in developing a food and drink policy and
●● slices of fruit with a small cup of milk               planning their menus, however, others may not.
                                                          Ideally, a working group to develop a food policy
●● ham sandwich with cherry tomatoes and a cup            and plan menus will include:
   of water
                                                          ●● the catering staff
●● peanut butter and banana sandwich
                                                          ●● community dietitians or nutritionists
●● slices of apple spread with cream cheese
                                                          ●● teaching staff
●● pancakes spread with fruit purée and a cup of
   milk                                                   ●● parents.

●● pancakes spread with chocolate spread and a            The children should be asked about their likes and
   cup of water                                           dislikes.

●● breadsticks or crackers with cubes of cheese and          Menu planning for nurseries should be based on
   celery sticks with a cup of water                      the principles of healthy eating for under-fives
                                                          outlined in Chapters 1.2 and 5.1.
●● pitta bread with hummus and apple slices and a
   cup of water                                              Poor menu planning can lead to a non-nutritious
                                                          diet being offered, particularly a diet low in iron,
●● muffin with grapes and a small cup of milk             thus exacerbating the common occurrence of iron
                                                          deficiency in this age group.
●● crumpet spread with honey and a cup of water
                                                             Case Study
●● scone with butter and jam, clementine segments
   and a cup of milk                                         The pupils in a nursery in north-east
                                                             London come from a wide variety of
●● yogurt or fromage frais and fruit slices                  cultural backgrounds and parents of many
                                                             children requested specific dietary
●● small piece of fruit cake and a cup of milk               restrictions. Many requests were for the
                                                             children not to be given certain types of
●● small slice of pizza and a cup of water                   meat. Some requested no meat as the
                                                             family only ate halal meat. Other parents
●● small bowl of breakfast cereal with banana slices         were concerned about previous food scares
   and milk                                                  and preferred their children not to have red
                                                             meat. Some were from vegetarian families.
●● toast with peanut butter, carrot sticks and a cup
   of water.                                                                                                         ➔

Nutritional Standards for Food and
Drinks Offered in Childcare

There are currently no nutritional standards
governing the food that is served to under-fives in
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