Page 199 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 199

190 7.1  Food Hypersensitivity – Food Allergies and Intolerances

Food Challenges                                         Expert advice is needed from a dietitian to cut out
                                                        a suspected food completely as parents and
Food challenges are the most definitive part of         children may not be aware of all the foods that can
diagnosis but are not always necessary if the           contain traces of a suspected food.
clinical history is convincing. They will either:
                                                           Grading the severity of the symptoms to be
●● detect a specific food which causes symptoms         recorded helps make the parent or carer recording
   and needs to be excluded from the diet; or           the symptoms more objective. For example,
                                                        diarrhoea can be graded as follows:
●● confirm that a specific food is not responsible
   for symptoms and does not need to be restricted.     Severity of symptoms            Diarrhoea
                                                        0                               Formed stool
They are also used to determine if and when a child     1                               Slightly loose stool
has outgrown their food allergy.                        2                               Very loose stool
                                                        3                               Liquid stool
   The gold standard test is the placebo-controlled
double blind food challenge. In clinical practice,      During the period of investigation the parent/carer
however, open challenges are usually performed. A       records the timings of all the food and drinks
paediatric or allergy specialist dietitian needs to be  consumed by the infant or child along with the time of
involved as the food suspected to be the cause of       any symptoms and the grade of severity. For example:
symptoms must be consumed by the child and the
response monitored.                                     Time      Food and drinks         Symptoms
                                                        7:30      consumed                Diarrhoea – 2
   Challenges must be carried out in appropriately
staffed and equipped settings because of the risk of    8:30      Small bowl Cheerios
a severe reaction. For children with any level of                 with full-fat milk +
specific IgE or any size SPT to the food or who have              banana slices
developed symptoms to a food less than two hours
after eating it in the past, the food challenge should            1 cup milk
be done in hospital where the necessary medication
can be administered to reverse any severe               10:30     120 mL cup of apple
symptoms.                                               12:00     juice diluted 50% with
   Food challenges can usually be carried out at        13:00
home in children with no specific IgE levels to a                 1 digestive biscuit
food or negative SPT and a history of only slow                   2 tbsp pasta
onset symptoms (Nice 2011).
                                                                  1 tbsp meat sauce
   A food challenge for non-severe, slower onset
symptoms of non-IgE-mediated food allergy and                     3 carrot sticks
non-allergic food hypersensitivity usually involves:
                                                                  2 cauliflower florets
1.  recording the symptoms and foods eaten while
   on a normal diet for one or two weeks                          1 flavoured fromage
2.  recording the symptoms and foods eaten while
   on a diet excluding the suspected food – usually               6 grapes
   for one or two weeks
                                                                  120 mL cup of water
3.  recording the symptoms and foods eaten for a
   further period of time with the suspected food                                         Diarrhoea – 1
   eaten to see if the symptoms reappear if they
   have disappeared in step 2.                          The dietitian can then assess the diary and discuss
                                                        with the parents whether the suspect food is likely
                                                        to be causing the adverse reaction or not.
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