Page 62 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 62
Assessing Adequacy of a Child’s Diet with a Recorded Food Intake 53
Food groups Fluid
All food and drinks Bread, rice, Fruit & veg Milk, Meat, fish, Foods high
potato, cheese, eggs, nuts, in fat &/or
Breakfast: pasta, other yogurt pulses sugar
Cornflakes and milk starchy food
Diluted fruit juice to drink
At nursery: 1½
Pieces fruit and milk to drink 11
Jam and peanut butter 11 1
Fruit pieces 1 11
Milk to drink
Afternoon: 1 1
Carrot sticks and breadsticks 1
Chunks of cold chicken
Diluted fruit juice 11
Evening meal:
Fish fingers and chips with 1
peas 11
Chocolate biscuit and fruit
pieces 11 11
Milk to drink
Before bed/during the day 11
Extra water to drink
TOTALS : 4 5 3½ 3 56
RECOMMENDED : 3–5 5 3 2–3 Some 6–8 cups
At each At each high-fat
meal and meal and foods
some snacks
Figure 2.2.6 If Ellie’s mother is able to make these changes then eventually her one day’s intake would
look like this
Friday may be quite different to the days on the give an average for this food group for the week
weekend. Days a child goes to nursery, a child (Figure 2.2.7).
minder or school might be quite different to days
when he or she stays at home. Birthday party days In this example, the combination of the food
will also be quite different. Assessing a child’s groups over the week is good enough. The average
intake over several days or a week is therefore for each food group is very close to the
preferable to an assessment of just one day. recommendation.
Total servings from each food group each day When the combination of the food groups over
can be added together and then divided by 7 to the week is not ideal then advice can be given by
deciding which food groups the child is not having