Page 63 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 63

54 2.2  Assessing Nutritional Intake

                                                      Food groups                            Fluid
                      Bread, rice,    Fruit & veg       Milk,      Meat, fish,  Foods
                      potato,                           cheese,    eggs, nuts,  high in         6
                      pasta, other                      yogurt     pulses       fat &/or        8
                      starchy food                                              sugar           5
                                                                         2                      6
Sunday                5 53                                               1            2         7
Monday                                                                   2            3         6
Tuesday               6 44                                               2            2         9
Wednesday                                                                3            4
Thursday              4 62                                               2            2
Friday                                                                   1            1
Saturday – went to a  5 31                                                            5
birthday party
Totals for the week:  3 33
Average for the week
RECOMMENDED :         6 43

                      4 23

                            33            27            19         13 19 47
                            4.7           3.8           2.7
                            3–5            5             3         1.9 2.7 6.7
                         At each       At each
                        meal and      meal and                     2–3 Some               6–8 cups
                      some snacks       some                                    high-fat
                                        snacks                                  foods

Figure 2.2.7  Average for each food group for the week

enough of and providing ideas of ways to increase       ●● the accuracy with which the food and drinks
his/her intake of this food group by substituting          consumed by a child are entered into the
this food group for another food group he may be           software.
having too much of.
                                                        Such software can also be used to assess the
Using computer software                                 nutrient contents of menus and individual
There are computer software programmes that
calculate the energy and nutrient content of a          Nutritional Assessments for
dietary intake. The adequacy of the diet is assessed    Epidemiological Data
by comparison with estimated average energy
requirement and RNIs of each nutrient. Several          In the past, weighing food over a four-day period
companies sell computer software packages to do         was the method used in national dietary surveys of
this. However, the analysis obtained is only as         children in the UK (Gregory et al. 1995, 2000) but
accurate as:                                            it was a very expensive way to collect nationally
                                                        representative data. The current national
●● the nutrient content of the food database that is    nutritional data collection is a rolling programme
   in the software – the foods in the database may      of dietary assessment and uses a four-day food
   not match exactly the food that has been bought      diary recorded by the family and is followed up by
   or prepared                                          an interview to clarify quantities consumed by the
                                                        family member who is in the study.
●● the accuracy of the diet history taken of the
   exact quantities that the child has consumed
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68