Page 10 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 10

Job Instruction Training
                Sequence of Instruction
                Evaluation of Results
                Types of Evaluation and Outcomes
                Data Collection Techniques
                Reliability and Validity
                Lesson Plans and Program Plans

Chapter 13 Delivering Oral Presentations

                Preparation of an Effective Presentation
                Components of an Effective Presentation
                Implementation of an Effective Presentation
                Evaluation Methods

Chapter 14 Using Instructional Media

                Benefits of Visual Media
                Planning Use of Visual Media
                Art and Design Principles
                Asynchronous or Synchronous Learning
                Types of Visual Media
                Numeracy and Literacy Considerations
                Purchasing Prepared Media Materials

Chapter 15 Facilitating Group Learning

                Groups and Teams Defined
                Stages of Group Development
                Characteristics of Group and Team Dynamics
                Group and Team Leadership
                Characteristics of an Effective Team
                Managing Small Groups and Teams
                Group Facilitation Skills
                Facilitator and Participant Functions and Roles
                Paradox of Group Dynamics
                Problem Solving and Decision Making
                Meetings as a Function of Group Dynamics

APPENDIX ■ References

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