Page 22 - Avoid Food and Drug Interactions
P. 22
KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA File No: ……………….…………
Ministry of Health Patient Name: …………………
ID ……………………..…….….
Hospital:….. ……………
Nutritional Screening Form
Poor appetite > 3days Poor/Inappropriate intake. Poor appetite > 3days
Patient on Clear liquid diet, full liquid Patient on Clear Liquid diet, full Patient on Clear liquid diet, full liquid
diet, or NPO for more than 72 ours liquid diet, or NPO for more than 72 diet, or more than 72 hrs.
Age is greater than 75 years. Failure to thrive.
Difficulty with swallowing/ hrs. Weight for Height is less than 5
Failure to thrive.
chewing/Mouth Ulcers. Less than 35 weeks gestation. percentile.
Gluten free, Glucose 6 Phosphate Insufficient Weight gain. Weight for Height is greater than 95
Dehydrogenase, Lactose. Gastrointestinal Dysfunction percentile.
BMI is less than 14.
Intolerance (Diarrhea, vomiting) is greater than 2 Significant weight loss what is more
Psychological eating disorders. days. than 2% of body weight per week.
Difficulty in swallowing / chewing.
Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Therapeutic Formula. Gastrointestinal Dysfunction (Diarrhea,
Metabolic disorders such as Cow's
Vomiting greater than 3 days.
(Diarrhea vomiting etc) more than 3 milk allergy, gluten free, Glucose 6 Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).
Inborn errors of metabolic.
days. phosphate Dehydrogenase, Lactose Oncology patient on chemotherapy or
Medical problems with special diet
intolerance. Urea Cycle Disorder. radiology poor appetite and
requirements (DM,HTN, Cardiac, Homcystinuria, Phenylketoauria, underweight.
Major surgery (Gastrointestinal tract
Renal, Hepatic failure). Maple Storage Disease,
High risk pregnancy: (Hyperemesis, surgery … etc).
Major surgery (brain surgery, Pressure Ulcers.
Tube feeding.
pregnancy Induced). Gastrointestinal surgery, head and Terminal/ palliative care.
Hepatic Failure.
Hypertension, Pre-Eclampsia jaw surgery, open heart surgery). Food and drug Interaction.
Albumin <25 mg/di
toxemia, Blood disorders, Pressure Ulcers.
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Tube feeding.
Terminal/palliative care.
Multiple Pregnancy, Pregnancy
complicated with medical disorders, Very low birth weight is less than
pregnant BMI>40). 1.8kg.
Mouth Sores and Ulcers.
Lactating with special diet needs,
lactating BMI>40.
Obesity BMI>35.
Underweight BMI is less than 18.5.
Tube Feeding.
Pressure Ulcers.
Oncology patient on chemotherapy
or radiotherapy with poor appetite
and underweight.
Major surgery (Gastrointestinal tract
surgery … ect).