Page 22 - Avoid Food and Drug Interactions
P. 22

KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA                                                                File No: ……………….…………

       Ministry of Health                                                              Patient Name: …………………
                                                                                       ID ……………………..…….….
Hospital:….. ……………

                                             Nutritional Screening Form

ADULT                                        INFANT                                    TODDLER/CHILD/ADOLESCENT

 Poor appetite > 3days                       Poor/Inappropriate intake.               Poor appetite > 3days
 Patient on Clear liquid diet, full liquid   Patient on Clear Liquid diet, full       Patient on Clear liquid diet, full liquid

  diet, or NPO for more than 72 ours         liquid diet, or NPO for more than 72        diet, or more than 72 hrs.
 Age is greater than 75 years.                                                         Failure to thrive.
 Difficulty with swallowing/                  hrs.                                     Weight for Height is less than 5
                                              Failure to thrive.
  chewing/Mouth Ulcers.                       Less than 35 weeks gestation.             percentile.
 Gluten free, Glucose 6 Phosphate            Insufficient Weight gain.                Weight for Height is greater than 95

  Dehydrogenase, Lactose.                     Gastrointestinal           Dysfunction    percentile.
                                                                                        BMI is less than 14.
Intolerance                                  (Diarrhea, vomiting) is greater than 2     Significant weight loss what is more

 Psychological eating disorders.            days.                                       than 2% of body weight per week.
                                                                                        Difficulty in swallowing / chewing.
 Gastrointestinal      Dysfunction           Therapeutic Formula.                     Gastrointestinal Dysfunction (Diarrhea,
                                              Metabolic disorders such as Cow's
                                                                                         Vomiting greater than 3 days.
(Diarrhea vomiting etc) more than 3          milk allergy, gluten free, Glucose 6       Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).
                                                                                        Inborn errors of metabolic.
  days.                                      phosphate Dehydrogenase, Lactose           Oncology patient on chemotherapy or
 Medical problems with special diet
                                             intolerance. Urea Cycle Disorder.           radiology poor appetite and

requirements (DM,HTN, Cardiac,               Homcystinuria, Phenylketoauria,             underweight.
                                                                                        Major surgery (Gastrointestinal tract
  Renal, Hepatic failure).                   Maple Storage Disease,
 High risk pregnancy: (Hyperemesis,                                                     surgery … etc).
                                              Major surgery (brain surgery,            Pressure Ulcers.
                                                                                        Tube feeding.
pregnancy Induced).                          Gastrointestinal surgery, head and         Terminal/ palliative care.
                                                                                        Hepatic Failure.
 Hypertension,         Pre-Eclampsia        jaw surgery, open heart surgery).          Food and drug Interaction.
                                                                                        Albumin <25 mg/di
toxemia,         Blood  disorders,            Pressure Ulcers.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus,                Tube feeding.
                                              Terminal/palliative care.
Multiple Pregnancy, Pregnancy

complicated with medical disorders,           Very low birth weight is less than

pregnant BMI>40).                              1.8kg.
                                              Mouth Sores and Ulcers.
 Lactating with special diet needs,

  lactating BMI>40.
 Obesity BMI>35.
 Underweight BMI is less than 18.5.

 Tube Feeding.
 Pressure Ulcers.
 Oncology patient on chemotherapy

or radiotherapy with poor appetite

  and underweight.
 Major surgery (Gastrointestinal tract

surgery … ect).

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