Page 19 - Avoid Food and Drug Interactions
P. 19

‫ مكونات المستحضرات الغذائية لمرضى الجهاز التنفسي‬-: 4

Product Name           For Pulmonary Disease

                       Oxepa                   Pulmocare                    Nutren Pulmonary

Suggested Use          Tube                    Tube/ Oral                   Tube/ Oral

Flavors                Unflavored              vanilla                      vanilla

Features               Unique oil blend        Contains 20% of fat          Contains 20% of fat
                       (GLA, omega-3           as MCT to enhance            as MCT to enhance
Low CHO, caloric-      FA: EPA,DHA)-           fat absorption               fat absorption
dense                  anti-                   Fortified with               Fortified with
                       inflammatory,           antioxidants, , low-         antioxidants, low-
Lactose-free, gluten-  Anti-oxidants,          residue                      residue
                       low residue                                       high-calorie, low-
                                                                         carbohydrate formula
                       critically ill,         high-calorie, low-        designed to help reduce
                                                                         carbon dioxide
                       mechanically            carbohydrate formula      production &
                                                                         respiratory quotient,
                       ventilated patients, designed to help reduce      for patients with
                                                                         chronic obstructive
                       especially those with carbon dioxide              pulmonary disease), or
                                                                         respiratory failure
Indications            systemic inflammatory production & respiratory
                       response syndrome, eg, quotient , for patients
                       sepsis, acute lung      with chronic obstructive
                       injury or ARDS (acute pulmonary disease
                                                                            17 / 18 %
                       respiratory distress (COPD), cystic fibrosis,
                                                                            25 / 27 %
                       syndrome                or respiratory failure
                                                                            23.7 / 55 %
Serving Size           237 ml                  250
                                                                            292 / 12.7
Kcal/ml                1.5                     1.5
                                                                            468 / 12
Osmolality             535                     489
(mOsm/kgH2O)                                                                78 %/ 195 ml

PRO gm/ % kcal         14.8 / 16.7 %           16 / 17 %                    1000 ml

CHO gm/ % kcal         25 / 28.1 %             26.5 / 28 %

FAT gm / % kcal        22.2 / 55.2 %           23 / 55 %

Na mg/ mEq             310 / 13.5              328 / 14.26

K mg/ mEq              465 / 11.9              490 / 12.56

Water (%)/ ml          79 % /186 ml            78 %/ 196 ml

ml to meet 100% RDI    946 ml                  947 ml

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