Page 15 - FoC 2024 Summer Newsletter
P. 15



         In  one  short  week  it  is  amazing  the  bond  that  a  mission  team
         develops with their home build family.  Thoughts and prayers for
         them continue long after they have returned to the states.  Because
         of this strong connection, we have added to our mission schedule
         the  opportunity  for  returning  mission  visitors  to  see  their  past
         families again and witness progress and circumstances since there
         first encounter. It has proven to be a very emotional  reunion  of
         families connecting with one another again.


        We strongly strive to follow our faith Mission, following
        Christ’s teachings in Matthew 25 and the path of our
        founders, to serve the least of our brothers and sisters.

                 “For I was hungry and you

                gave me something to eat, I
                was thristy and you gave me
                something to drink, I was a
              stanger and you invited me in.”

        Mission  visitors  have  the  opportunity  to  feed  over
        250  families  in  surrounding  communities  outside  of
        Chimbote.  Each family receives a large Bonito fish and
        a bag of Anemia Bread that is baked in our very own
        ACAF Bakery.  This is a beautiful gift for these families
        to  receive  and  they  wait  in  line  all  day  to  receive  it
        and to be welcomed by our generous visitors from the
        states.  It is a joyous event and a time to break bread
        together and form life-long relationships.                                                                                    PAGE 15
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