Page 10 - FoC 2024 Summer Newsletter
P. 10

Better Home Better Life Project

                     Brothers Remain United

      It  is  difficult  to  fully  articulate  the  similiar  to  themselves  and  were  able
      difference  that  our  work  can  have  on  to make a huge difference and deepen  humble  abode,  experienced  frequent
      families  in  Chimbote,  the  growth  of  their  own  faith  and  knowledge  while  illnesses from the unsanitary conditions
      those doing service work in Chimbote,  they  served!    Friends  of  Chimbote  is  and they dwelled in constant uncertainty
      and  how  many  people  are  involved  in  blessed  to  be  able  to  connect  people  that comes with housing insecurity.
      making these projects successful.  Our  so that these types of transformational
      home  building  project,  “Mejor  Casa  relationships can take place.       Our  social  workers  identified  the
      Mejor  Vida”  Better  House  Better  Life                                   brothers as a family that could benefit
      Program  is  designed  to  give  families   Cleiser  (23),    Luciano  (19)  and  Junior   from the Mejor Casa Mejor Vida program
      stability  and  a  genuine  opportunity  to   (14) Llanos are three brothers who for   because  not  only  were  they  living  in
                                                                                  extreme  poverty  in  Upper  Cambio
      take  control  over  their  own  lives  and   about two years have been living alone,
      to give the visitors to Peru an intimate   separated  from  their  parents  because   Puente, but they also showed a strong
      connection to a family in Chimbote.   of abusive and unhealthy relationships   desire and ability to work hard to better
                                            with them.  Their living conditions were   their own lives.  Our social workers and
      This  spring  a  team  of  FOCUS  Mission   deplorable.   They shared a cramped and   educational team at ACAF work side by
      students  from  different  parts  of  the   precarious space, battled harsh winds  side to select families who are likely to
      United States met a family that was very   that would topple the mats of their   be able to use the new home as a spring

                                                                                     “A  brother  is  a  friend

                                                                                     who  understands  your

                                                                                      past, believes  in  your

                                                                                       future, and accepts

                                                                                            you  just  the

                                                                                           way  you are.”

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