Page 7 - FoC 2024 Summer Newsletter
P. 7

Diocesan Collaboration Between Bishops

                                                                          FALL/WINTER 2019
                                               Bishop John Folda & Bishop Ernesto

                                                      The Fargo Diocese continues to be an extremely important partner in
                                                      FoC’s work in Chimbote.  This relationship will be further developed
                                                      in  February  2025,  when  Bishop  John  Folda  visits  Chimbote  on  the
                                                      invitation of Bishop Ernesto of Chimbote.  The visit will be centered
                                                      on providing the two Bishops an opportunity to meet and celebrate
                                                      the  many  years  of  partnership  and  look  for  ways  to  further  work
                                                      together to relieve poverty through empowerment and community
                                                      development as well as foster deep faith formation partnerships for
                                                      visitors and those we serve.

                                                      Bishop Ernesto’s  warm invitation to Bishop Folda was enthusiastically
                                                      accepted by Bishop Folda as an opportunity for growth and learning on
           Bishop Folda                               his part and a chance to demonstrate solidarity between the people of
                                                      Chimbote and Fargo.

                                                      The details of the trip will be shared with the FOC community. In the
                                                      meantime we ask for your prayers for a safe and successful trip and

                                  Bishop Ernesto      prayers of gratitude for this deepening of relationships between two
                                                      Dioceses separated by many miles but of one Spirit.

      Strategic Planning Update

      The Friends of Chimbote Board, Friends of Chimbote employees and ACAF’s Executive Director met in Collegeville at Saint
      John’s University for one of our two annual in person meetings.  The meeting focused on our 5-7 year strategic plan.  The first
      steps of the planning took place based on more than 100 surveys from our community that explored how we can grow in  the
      areas of Faith, Operations, Finance, Marketing and Communications, Development, Governance, Leadership and Partnerships/

      The team of 22 people spent time in prayer, reflection and generative conversations.  The team will be furthering to develop
      the plan which is built around four themes for our future:

          Alignment                  Sustainability               Relationships                         Faith-

             Alignment                    Sustainable                  Relationships               Faith Centered
            of FOC and               operations, growth and          strengthened with              in all we do
           ACAF into one             development ensuring             key individuals,                  and
           integrated team              FOC's long-term                organizations                why we do it
           and operation                  viability and              and communities

      There is little doubt that our collective work is only accomplished with hard work and faith.  The strategic planning session at
      SJU was blessed.  It also gave us time to dream about our future while reflecting on and celebrating all of the people who have
      made our past successes possible!  Thank you to all those that took time to respond to our survey which helped guide our
      discernment!                                                                                     PAGE 7
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