Page 3 - FoC 2024 Summer Newsletter
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FoC Welcomes                              Friends of Chimbote
                                                                                        Board of Directors
                                              New Board Members

                                                            Randy Althoff

                                          Randy grew up in Austin, MN. Randy has
                                          been married to his wife, Gloria, now for    Eric Krueger, Vergas, MN
                                          39 years. They live in Jordan, MN. They           Board Chairman
                                          have  five  children--two  girls  and  three   Brian Berg, Fargo, ND
                                          boys and have been blessed with seven              Vice Chairman
                                          grandchildren.                               Michelle Jirik, Jordan, MN
                                          Randy had spent about 20 years in Catholic
                                          schools as a teacher and principal. After   Brenda Krueger, Vergas, MN
                                          that  he  transitioned  to  adult  education          Secretary
                                          becoming  a  trainer  in  three  different    Randy Althoff, Jordan, MN
                                          law firms in the span of about 12 years,
      including commuting to Denver for 3 1/2 years. In his final job he was a corporate   Connie Altringer, West Fargo, ND
      trainer for about five years. He is now happily retired and is happy to see Gloria still   Margaret Crary, Chicago IL
      working, albeit, part-time and only during the school year!                    Lucho Espejo, Detroit Lakes, ND
                                                                                   Fr. Thomas Graner, Anamoose, ND
      Randy speaks fluent Spanish, having achieved a BA in Spanish and Government
      from St. John’s University in Collegeville, MN. Randy’s love for mission work began   Kelli Kester, Minneapolis, MN
      when he was a junior in high school.  Numerous trips later to Mexico, Costa Rica   Dan Kunkleman, Charlotte, NC
      and Colombia his passion for missions remains strong.   His first trip to Chimbote   Dan Kuzlik, Minneapolis, MN
      was in 2019, with St. Michael’s Parish in Prior Lake, MN. He is leading a group
      from St. Michael in July 2024. Randy is very excited about being on the Friends of   Dan Mahli, Fargo ND
      Chimbote Board and working with such a dedicated group of people.                 Lydia Mattern, Fargo, ND
                                                                                          Joe Mikrut, Clifton, VA
      Lydia Mattern                                                                 Mathias (Matt) Samuel, Edina, MN
       Hello, my name is Lydia Mattern! I grew                                          Hubert Seiler, Rugby, ND
       up in Fargo, North Dakota. My parents,
       Troy  and  Jamie,  my  twin  brother,                                              Bill Seiler, Fairfax, VA
       Cooper,  and  my  two  younger  siblings,                                  The Friends of Chimbote Board is deeply
       Jax and Ily mean the world to me. My                                       committed to the mission of transforming
       faith is the most important thing in my                                    lives of the poor including an annual
                                                                                  meeting in Chimbote engaging in our
       life; I am always searching for ways to                                    mission work. The broad and diverse
       grow  as  a  Christian.  I  graduated  from                                nature of challenges facing our mission
       Shanley  High  School  in  2021  and  just                                 is met head on by the amazing skills,
       wrapped  up  my  junior  year  at  the                                     knowledge, advocacy, and passions of
       College of Saint Benedict and St. John’s                                   our Board Members.
       University where I study Theology and                                        Friends of Chimbote Staff
                                                                                               Mike Smith
                                                                                            Executive Director
       In the summer of 2017, I had the opportunity to travel to Chimbote with a group of
       teachers, parents, and peers. In fact, it was a turning point in my life as a follower
       of Christ. After the time I spent in Chimbote, my heart was on fire for God, service   Todd Mickelson
                                                                                          Development Director
       to His people, and I found my deep passion for the dignity of all life. I knew I
       was called to a life of servant leadership and began to seek opportunities to see      Julie Dolbec
       Christ in everyone I encountered. Almost six years later, I am honored to serve   Mission Development Director
       as the Young Adult voice on the Friends of Chimbote Board. The work Friends of
       Chimbote does to support and transform the people of Chimbote is inspiring and          Cari Rauch
       something I feel called by God to be a part of.                                         Accountant

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