Page 2 - FoC 2024 Summer Newsletter
P. 2

FoC Executive Director

                Mike Smith

      When I first stood at the edge of Upper Cambio Puente, my mind was
      filled  with  an  overwhelming  sense  of  despair.    The  sheer  depth  of
      poverty the people there are immersed in day in and day out is almost
      impossible to comprehend.  The sand literally penetrates everything as
      the wind’s constant presence unforgivingly reminds you of the thin line
      between their shelter and the elements.

      Our  work  will  not  change  many  of  the  challenges  and  realities  the
      people of Chimbote face, but we do provide one thing that I had not
      realized until I spoke directly with people, learned about their hopes,
      and saw the tremendous desire to improve their own lives.  From the
      women community leaders I have had the blessing to meet on trips to
      Chimbote in January and again in March, it is clear that we are serving
      the poor by not dwelling on despair but by empowering the capacity of human beings.

      What I see now, is not despair, but human beings eager to fight for their dignity and take control of their lives through hard work,
      investment in their capacities and a desire to make their lives and the lives of their families better.  With your support we have
      helped untap the human potential and bring dignity with the opportunities extended through the learning center, Daycare,
      water project, daily interventions of ACAF’s Social Workers and Education Team, the creation of a park, the cooperative kitchen,
      micro-loans, 52+ houses built in the last years, backpack and health campaigns, and so many visitors from the US telling them
      they are loved!

      It is a blessing that Katie and I are able to work with the team of Peruvians in ACAF that are dedicated to making their community
      better.  As a community called Friends of Chimbote, we are empowering Peruvians to improve the lives of Peruvians!

      In this newsletter, you will learn about our efforts to continue to grow as an organization and see firsthand examples of the
      people we are serving.  It is my great prayer that by reading this newsletter you will understand more about how we are making
      a difference by concentrating on what can be, rather than only seeing what is missing.  The people we serve deserve this, as
      they are human beings with a tremendous amount of potential that is waiting to be unlocked with a little help from us, their
      friends, Friends of Chimbote!

                                                                           Blessings,  Mike & Katie

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