Page 4 - FoC 2024 Summer Newsletter
P. 4

ACAF                     ACAF Executive Director
                                          Jorge Villar

                                          I  was  very  blessed  and  fortunate
                                          that  after  eight  long  years,  I  had
                                          the  opportunity  to  return  to
                                          Minnesota  and  North  Dakota.    I
      Asociacion Civil Apoyo              cannot  express  enough  my  deep

                 Familiar                 gratitude  for  this  enriching  and
         (Civil Association Supporting    memorable  experience.  This  visit
                  Families)               was  much  more  than  just  a  trip!
                                          It  has  been  especially  significant
                                          for  me  because  it  provided  the
        The Peruvian faith-based, civil   opportunity  to  share  the  progress
        association was created in 2005   and  good  things  we  are  achieving
       to administer Mission programs.    in Chimbote thanks to the support of our   of  visiting  our  beloved  founder,  Sister
        Over 80 Peruvian employees of     benefactors. It was immensely satisfying   Peggy.    Her  passion  and  commitment
        ACAF utilize the donor funding    to be able to personally thank those who   to  help  the  poor  of  Chimbote  have
       secured and managed by Friends     have generously contributed to our cause   been  fundamental  to  the  development
          of Chimbote to combat the       and to tell them how their contributions   and  growth  of  our  mission  through  the
         daily affects of poverty while   are  making  a  tangible  difference  in  the   years.  Seeing  and  talking  with  her  was
        empowering the poor through       lives of many people.                  a  reminder  of  the  deep  and  significant
                                                                                 roots  of  our  work  and  the  importance
        education and transformation      From  the  very  first  moment,  I  felt  of staying true to our  faith, values and
          opportunities. Meeting the      incredibly  welcomed.  Every  meeting  goals.
        diverse needs of the poor are a   and  visit  were  a  demonstration  of  the
       dedicated staff of social workers,   kindness  and  appreciation  our  friends
      psychologists, teachers, attorneys,   and donors have towards us in Chimbote.
        lenders, construction workers,    There  are  no  words  sufficient  to  thank
        carpenters, trainers, guards and   them  for  the  warmth  with  which  they
           maintenance personnel.         received me and the sincere interest they
                                          showed in our work in Chimbote.

           ACAF leaders are in the        During my stay, I participated in a Friends
        community each day to assess      of  Chimbote  board  meeting  that  was
                                          extremely  enriching.  We  discussed  our
        needs, manage employees and       future  plans  and  explored  new  ways  to   Tammy Campbell, Sister Peggy, Jorge Villar
       visitors working in the programs   move  forward  with  our  mission.  The
       and collaborate with community     conversations  were  inspiring  and  full  of  I  return  to  Chimbote  full  of  hope  and
         leaders. The ACAF Board is a     optimism,  making  me  feel  great  hope  renewed energy. This visit has reaffirmed
        qualified group of community      about the path we are charting together.  my  conviction  that  together  we  can
      leaders and a Friends of Chimbote   One of the most emotional moments of   continue  creating  opportunities  for
         liaison. Friends of Chimbote     my visit was the chance to reunite with   the poor in Chimbote. To all those who
          and ACAF staff and leaders      many friends who, over the years, have   make our mission possible, I extend my
        interact dynamically each week    remained  faithful  and  committed  to   sincerest  gratitude.  May  God  enlighten
         to effectively deliver Mission   our  cause.  These  individuals  have  been   and bless you always for your generosity
                 programs.                not  only  donors  but  also  true  allies  in   and commitment to the neediest.
                                          our  mission  to  serve  the  neediest  in  We will move forward, building a brighter
                                          Chimbote. Their continuous support and  future for all, with the hope and certainty
                                          dedication are a testament to the lasting  that, united, we can achieve great things.
                                          impact of our work.
                                                                                 Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
                                          I was so happy to have the joy and blessing                                               Jorge Villar

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