Page 8 - FoC 2024 Summer Newsletter
P. 8


               Sr. Peggy’s Legacy Continues...

      Our education programs have been a major focus and success of our Mission for over 40 years. Post-secondary scholarships
      have been especially impactful. The overwhelming majority of our 113 graduates of scholarships have jobs in their fields,
      earning four times the income of those with no degree. This sustainable escape from poverty lifts multiple generations of their
      family out of poverty.

      When Sr. Peggy returned to the United States in 2015, we continued the Sr. Peggy Scholarship Program. We promised her that
      the students in the program would be supported to finish their studies and acquire their degrees, titles, and certificates. We
      are fulfilling that promise with a few more students scheduled to complete their studies soon after many years of disruption
      from the pandemic.

      Graduates,  ACAF  staff,  FoC  donors  and  scholarship  candidates  all  confirm  that  a  post-secondary  scholarship  is  the  most
      successful program to escape poverty. With the pandemic in the past and all institutions open again, it is time to resume
      the highly successful and valued Sr. Peggy Scholarship program with new scholarship recipients. We have an ACAF team of
      social workers, educators, managers and human resource professionals in place to select candidates. The criteria for selection
      include candidates’ ability, commitment, needs, plan to give back and opportunities in their field of study. We have experienced
      managers to support and provide oversight of the students in their studies. Our goal is to find sponsors for and enroll 25
      students in the program over the next few years.

      In a new approach for our Mission, we are going to showcase candidates who have been qualified and selected and are ready
      for a sponsor. These first two candidates are profiled below with additional candidates waiting in the wings. We are excited to
      continue Sr. Peggy’s legacy and empower and transform lives at a fraction of the cost of U.S. post-secondary education. The
      costs for all candidates include enrollment, tuition and fees, uniforms, supplies, transportation, internet access and final tests,
      certificates, titles, and diploma. Sponsors will receive reports and updates on the student’s progress.
        ALBERTO MARTINEZ                                        SAHOMI RAMOS

        Alberto is 18 years old and the oldest                  Sahomi is 18 years old and the eldest
        of  three  children.  His  whole  family                of  three  girls.  She  lives  in  a  multi-
        works in the farm fields and lives in                   generation  household  with  her
        Cambio  Puente.  Alberto  started  his                  siblings,  father,  grandparents  and
        studies in the culinary profession and                  aunts. Her mother recently died from
        excelled but had to drop out due to                     cancer.  Her  father,  Robert,  works
        a  lack  of  resources  and  to  help  his              tirelessly to support the entire family
        family.                                                 while her grandparents and aunts help with the children and
        Despite these obstacles, Alberto was recognized as one of the   household.
        top students in his class and was invited to assist a renowned   Sahomi is an accomplished student ranking third in her class
        chef  in  a  seafood  workshop.  A  career  in  the  burgeoning   which qualifies her for direct admission to the highly sought
        culinary industry in Peru would help Alberto lift his entire   after National University of Santa. Her economic status prevents
        family out of poverty and provide similar opportunities for   her from enrolling. Her goal to become a University Professor
                                              his siblings.     is currently out of reach. Her aspirations and hope remain: “I

                                                                am a person who despite the various difficulties I have faced,
                                              The cost for      economically and emotionally, has not lost the desire to pursue
                                              Alberto to        my professional development. I know that I will achieve it with
                                              complete          great effort, dedication and commitment. I want to contribute
                                              his studies is    to  society  through  education.  I  want  a  better  future  and  to
                                              $2,115 per year   succeed  honestly  so  that  I  can  help  and  guide  my  younger
                                              for 3 years.      sisters, contributing to my family’s well-being”
                                                                The cost for Sahori to complete her studies is $1,600 per
        Contact Todd Mickelson with questions or to sponsor Alberto,  year for 5 years.
         Sahomi or other scholarship candidates:

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