Page 7 - St Michael 2022 Chimbote Mission Newsletter
P. 7


                                     Madaith espinoza Aponte Family


                              St Michael Catholic Church
                On behalf of the Madaith Espinoza Aponte family, a heartfelt thank you
              goes out to you for the generous gift of a home. Because of YOU...This
               family has beds to dream in, a roof to protect them and a chance to
                         take one more step on the path out of poverty.
             Milagros Pariachi Chauca (26) is a young mother, who was born in Huacchis, a
             small village located in the highlands of Ancash. She lives with her husband,
             Ever Minaya (36) and their 2 children, Liam (6) and Brianna (5 months old).
             Madaith and her family live in a house built from estera and bullrush which
             they built 5 years ago on a small plot of land in an invasion in the “Los Jazmines”
             neighborhood of Cambio Puente. They have no access to essential services such
             as water or sewage, they have only provisional electricity and to protect them from
             the cold this family has wrapped their house in cardboard.
             Madaith is a housewife who attends to her home and her children; her husband
             works relentlessly to cover the household expenses.  He works as a kitchen
             assistant on the La Caleta dock in Chimbote, where he receives minimum wage
             and works from the early hours of the morning until sunset. Madaith tells us
             that unfortunately, as transport prices have increased, a large part of what her
             husband earns is spent travelling to and from work. The family tries to organize
             their expenses as much as possible to make the wage last until the end of the month.
             Like any mother, Madaith wishes to have a safer home for her young children and hopes that when   they grow
             up, they will have better opportunities to study and grow into good people. She longs to be able to have her own
             business with her husband one day.  They would like to make and sell food out of their home and try to improve
             their family´s quality of life.
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