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Featured Home Project
Drink the Bottle, Save the Cork
After you've popped open a nice bottle of wine, recycle the cork and make one of these creative crafts.
These cork keychains are Keep track of all your herbs Create a fun frame for a mirror
perfect for the pool or with these wine cork garden or picture.
beach because they'll keep markers. Get the tutorial at
your keys afloat. Get the tutorial at FineLivingForLess.wordpre
Get the tutorial at
Tic-Tac-Toe Simply cover a plain glass Step out of the shower and
Keep kids entertained vase with wine corks for a onto a comfortable cork
during the winter with this totally new look. surface with this simple DIY
snowman- and reindeer- Get the tutorial at bath mat.
themed game. Get the tutorial at
Get the tutorial at
If you're feeling a little Materials needed: Wood,
more adventurous, and Glue, Paint, Plywood,
have a lot of corks at polyurethane, screws,
hand, why not try a piece nails, staples - and lots of
of fine art like this one. corks. Visit
through for a
closer look.