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Captain Leon Dana’s
                                      Fishing Forecast

                                      While February, March and April may feel cold in North East Florida – the bite can
                                      be red hot! With water temps hanging around in the low 60’s the trout, sheepshead
                                      and black drum’s bite can be steaming hot. When fishing for sea trout I love fishing
                                      soft plastics with a chartreuse tail. Trout tend to bite when the bait is falling in

                                      the water column. Sheepshead will be moving inshore and hanging around hard
                                      structures.  Fiddlers  and  live  shrimp  are  bait  of  choice  for  these  toothy  critters.
                                      Black drum will be found on the “drop downs” of the ICW. Using shrimp and jigs
                                      will produce best for you. Remember that fish feed in two speeds this time of
                                      year and that is “slow and stop” so don’t move your bait fast. Redfish will also
                                      be working the banks and flats in schools and the best time to get them will
                                      probably be mid-day as the mud heats up just a few degrees more than the
                                      channels – the fish will always gravitate to a warmer spot. Good luck and I’ll
                                      see you in the Valley. Capt. Dana


                                                       Now’s the time to get in on the booming backcountry action. Your
                                                       best bet is to hit the shallow waters at the muddy flats, where
                                                       you can find and hook dozens of Redfish as part of a normal
                                                       morning trip.


                                                       March is typically when the water slowly starts heating up again,
                                                       meaning there’ll be more bait fish available very soon. Until then
                                                       you can have a good time casting some flies for local Bluefish.


                                                       Sheepshead will make their way inland during spring, so
                                                       you won’t need to go too far for them.  The best fishing is

                                                       tide-dependent which makes heading out with a skilled charter
                                                       captain all the more valuable.


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