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From the Publisher

                                                “ Buying a house won’t bring you happiness, but turning it into a home

                                                 certainly will.” I just love this quote from Home  Stratosphere. Our
                                                 homes reflect so much about us, not only as our personal space, but an
                                                 extension of how we live. How we decorate our homes reflects our
                                                 personality whether it’s the furniture we choose, colors we use or artwork
                                                 we hang. In this issue of Life in Isle of Palms our featured entrepreneurs
                                                 are Theresa and Todd Rykaczewski the owners of Word Revolt, a local
                                                 art gallery.  What a talented couple!  Theresa, an accomplished artist

                                                 and Todd a published author. Giving back is a high priority of theirs as a
                                                 non-profit dedicated to hosting free exhibitions and events that benefit
                                                 artists, charities and the community.

             Amanda Bolwell, Realtor
                                                 A local chef has crafted a unique and delicious recipe for  you to try.
           Amanda Bolwell                        Read how, from humble beginnings, he has blazed a trail around the
               cell: (904) 613-9818              world, creating dishes and pleasing the palates of many foodies along                         the way. He now continues his farm to table philosophy right in our                         neighborhood at the local Hakka Kitchen.

          cell: 904-613-9818                     As  we head  into  2022  the  Housing  Market  Forecast  predicts  a  strong
                           Amanda Bolwell

                                   Realtor       property market and much optimism. This trend continues in many other
                                                 countries too–see the highlighted property in Reading, England with an
                       HomesAnyTim               interesting connection to American politics.
                                                 Isle of Palms is a popular place to live, in a great location with so much
                          cell: 904-613-9818
                                                 to see and do. If  you have a business  you would like to advertise,
                                                 please contact me.

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