Page 23 - RHEL8 BOOK
P. 23
1. “ / ” -This directory called root. It is the top of the directory in the File system. All files and directories
are maintaining under it (/ directories). It is parent directory for all other directories, It is represented by
the forward slash (/). This is called Root Directory.
2. / boot – boot directory contains the bootable related files, maintain the initial RAM space and
maintains the kernel related file because in LINUX the kernel represented in “VM Linuz” file. This file
available in boot directory location.
Like vmlinuz (kernel)…. ntoskrnl
Initrd (INITial Ram Disk) and
GRUB2 (GRand Unified Bootloader v2)…. boot.ini, ntldr
Example: Grub2
3. /root – This is the default home directory of the root user. We can call the root user as super user as
administrator or privileged user.
4. /home-It is the home directory for other users in Linux. It provides a working environment for other
users (other than root). Each home directory is owned by the user the directory is assigned to, with no
access to other users.
c:\Documents and Settings\username
5. /bin – bin means binary, binary means commands. This commands are utilized by the super user as
well as normal user.
Example: cat, chgrp, chmod and so on.
6. /Sbin - Sbin means super user binary, it maintains administrative commands. This commands are
utilized by the administrative only.
Example: fsck, reboot etc.
7. /var – It is maintaining the variable information such as login information, to print ques, mail ques,
available the errors information. It contains data that frequently changes while the system is operational.
Files holding log, status, spool, lock, and other dynamic data are located in this file system. it is
containing variable data like mails, log files ex: /var/log, /var/opt/var/spool and /var/tmp.
8. /usr – user means UNIX system resources, it maintains the program supporting documents and the
application which are available for users. This is similar to program file and folder in windows. It
improves the performance of boot sequence.
9. /etc – etc is maintain the all service configuration file. Some common sub-directories are—systemd,
default, lvm, and skel—which contain configuration files for systemd. That means it contains all
configuration files
Like /etc/passwd…. User info
/etc/resolv.conf… Preferred DNS
/etc/dhcpd.conf…. DHCP server
Example: /etc/passwd, /etc/group
10. /dev – dev is identified the any physical device with the logical name. it contains device files
Like /dev/hda … for hard disk
/dev/cdrom … for cdrom Similar to devise manager of windows
Example: /dev/cdrom – CD player
/dev/st0 – Tape Drive
S. Pradhan