Page 24 - RHEL8 BOOK
P. 24

11. /tmp – tmp is maintains the temporary file. These are used by the system.

          12. /proc – proc is the default mount for virtual information about current running system process.
                        It contains process files
                        Its contents are not permanent, they keep changing
                        It is also called as Virtual Directory
                        Its file contain useful information used by OS
                        like /proc/meminfo … information of RAM/SWAP
                        /proc/cpuinfo … information of CPU.

          13. /opt – opt contains the third party tools application. (Ex Oracle, yahoo messenger, media player).
          This file system holds additional software installed on the system. A sub-directory is created for each
          installed software. It is optional directory for /usr It contains third party software’s
                 c:\program files
                 Example: /opt/chrome etc.

          14. /mnt or media – mnt is the default mount for removable media. (Ex. CD, DVD)
          This directory is used to mount a file system temporarily. It is empty by default.

          15. /media-This directory is used by the system to automatically mount removable media, such as floppy,
          CD, DVD, USB, and Zip drives. it contains all of the removable media like CD-ROM, pen drive

          16. /Lib/lib64 – Lib is maintaining the library file. These are need to number of different application as
          well as Linux Kernel. it contains library files which are used by OS. It is similar to dll files of windows.
          Library files in Linux are SO (shared object) files Shared libraries that are used by programs in /boot, /bin
          and /sbin

          17. /srv-Directory that may be used for data that is used by services like NFS, FTP & HTTP.

          18. /SYS- used as an interface to different hardware devices that is managed by the Linux kernel and
          associated processes.

                                                       S. Pradhan
                             (MCA, MBA-IT, BCA, CCNA, MCSA 2012, RHCE, ETHICAL HACKING)
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