P. 5
multimodel atau interaktif. Pemahaman mereka terhadap ide pokok,
isu-isu atau pengembangan plot dalam berbagai macam teks mulai
berkembang. Mereka mengidentifikasikan tujuan penulis dan
mengembangkan ketrampilannya untuk melakukan kesimpulan
sederhana dalam memahami informasi tersirat dalam teks..
At the end of phase E, students read and respond to various kinds of texts
such as narratives, descriptions, procedures, expositions, recounts and
reports. They read and learn something or to get information. They
search for and evaluate the specific and core details of various types of
texts. This text can be in print or digital form, including visual text,
multimodel or interactive. Their understanding of the main ideas, issues
or plot developments in various texts begins to develop. They identify the
author's purpose and develop his skills to perform simple inferences in
understanding the information implied in the text.
c. Elemen Menulis - Mempresentasikan
Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik menulis berbagai jenis teks fiksi dan
non-fiksi, melalui aktivitas yang dipandu, menunjukkan kesadaran
peserta didik terhadap tujuan dan target pembaca. Mereka membuat
perencanaan, menulis, mengulas, dan menulis ulang berbagai jenis
tipe teks dengan menunjukkan strategi koreksi diri, termasuk tanda
baca dan huruf besar. Mereka menyampaikan ide menggunakan kosa
kata dan kata kerja umum dalam tulisannya. Mereka menyajikan
informasi menggunakan berbagai mode presentasi untuk
menyesuaikan dengan pembaca/pemirsa dan untuk mencapai tujuan
yang berbeda-beda dalam bentuk cetak dan digital.
At the end of phase E, students write various types of fiction and non-
fiction texts, through guided activities, showing students' awareness of
the goals and target readers. They plan, write, review, and rewrite
various types of text by demonstrating self-correction strategies,
including punctuation and capitalization. They convey ideas using
common vocabulary and verbs in their writing. They present information
using various presentation modes to suit their readers/viewers and to
achieve different goals in both printed and digital forms.
Profil Pelajar • Religious, Dicipline, Curiosity, Willing to explore either by
Pancasila reading or finding facts, Democracy, Responsibility, Creative,
Independent, Hardwork, Independent, Communicative, Dicipline,