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The writer would like to thank Allah SWT, who always bestows us
happiness and peaceful life. Thanks to His blessings and mercies, the writer is
able to accomplish writing this dissertation. This dissertation would have never
been done without the blessings of Allah SWT.
In this opportunity, the writer would like to acknowledge and thank to
those people who have contributed in the completion of this dissertation. The
writer expresses the deepest appreciation and gratitude to his advisors, Prof. Dr.
Pratomo Widodo, M. Pd. as his promotor and Bambang Sugeng, Ph. D. as his Co-
promotor for their encouragement, guidance, and support from the initial to the
end of this research undertaking. Both give him invaluable suggestion and
comments to make this dissertation be better. The writer is also grateful to Prof.
Mahyuni, M. A., Ph. D. and Kamaluddin Yusra, M. A., Ph. D. as validators who
have given suggestion and corrected every part of the research product.
In addition, the writer offers gratitude to his family (writer’s parents; H.
Alimuddin and Nursah), for their prayers, supports, and the writer’s brother and
sister (Herniati, Hermansah, Fatmawati, and Abdul Hafiz Zaelani), his wife (Baiq
Sugiarni), for their extraordinary prayers and encouragements.
The writer would also like to express his gratitude to the director of the
graduate school of Yogyakarta State University, lecturers of IPB study program,
the Rector of IKIP Mataram, Dean of FPBS IKIP Mataram, English lecturers of
IKIP Mataram, and DIKTI for Doctoral Scholarship (BPPDN) for helping him to
finalize the research accomplishment.
Finally, the writer realizes that this dissertation is still far from being
perfect. He realizes that many mistakes have been made even though all efforts
have been done to correct them. The writer hopes that it will be a contribution to
the ELT theory and practice, more specifically these of the Indonesian
environment. A criticism and suggestion from readers are highly appreciated for
the betterment of the study.
Yogyakarta, December, 2018