Page 5 - WB Family Newsletter
P. 5
Grades 2-5 will utilize computer lab spaces for the first quarter. K/1 students will utilize
classroom computers for their on-line programs.
Students will be reminded to wash hands/sanitize prior to using computers and when
entering and exiting the computer lab/specials/recess.
Keyboards and mice will be wiped down after each use.
Students bring/use their own headphones. Headphones will be stored in labeled, sealed
bags and kept in the classroom.
Students may also bring/use their clear tri-fold partitions inside the labs and specials classes
(when appropriate).
Specials classes will take place in their usual locations while following safety guidelines.
Students my bring their individual supplies from the classroom for use in the specials
classroom as needed (i.e., crayons, colored pencils, scissors, glue, etc.).
During outside PE/recess, while maintaining safe distancing guidelines, face covering may
be removed.
Students will be given time at the end of PE/recess to properly clean any equipment used.
Playground equipment will not be accessible for student use.
Classes will facilitate indoor recess activities or structured outside games in open campus
“Boo-boo” bags will be supplied to Dismissal will continue to operate as
each classroom to minimize trips to the usual, however times may be staggered
clinic for band aids and tooth holders. to minimize large groups of students
exiting campus at once.
Students requiring medication while on
campus will have a scheduled time to Car Riders: Students will continue to be
visit the clinic OR the health room aide dismissed from the classroom.
may deliver the medication to the PreK—Grade 1 will begin dismissing
student in their classroom.
via notification on the activpanel
A secondary clinic space has been immediately following the
designated to allow for the separation afternoon news (approx. 3:10pm)
of “well” visits from “ill” visits.
Grades 2-5 will begin dismissal at
Any person exhibiting symptoms the 3:15pm bell
associated with COVID-19 will be
escorted to the secondary clinic space Bus Riders: Bus riders will be released from
by the health room aide or designated the classroom to load one bus at a time.
staff. PreK—Grade 1 bus riders will be
Classroom buddies will not be utilized to escorted and loaded onto the
escort students to the clinic who feel ill. buses by staff immediately follow-
ing the afternoon news.
Staff will call the clinic for guidance prior
to sending a student who reports feeling Students enrolled in the childcare
ill. program will b escorted to the cafeteria
for check-in and directed to sit at an
Guidelines and protocols from the assigned table & seat following the safe
District and Department of Health will
be utilized to address reported health distancing guidelines.
Opening Safety Protocols & Procedures