Page 15 - Soitaab Brochure 2-2024
P. 15
Plasma oxyfUeL Waterjet FiBer Laser
LineaTech RED
The LineaTech RED model consists of double beam structure TECHNICAL DATA
and a front transverse slide through carriages on two linear
Rail span (min-max): 9.8 ft up to 18 ft
guides complete with a rear reinforcement. (3.0 m up to 5.5 m)
Machine length: 6.5 ft (2.0 m)
LineaTech RED offers a wide range of applications such as Machine use length with 4 m rails: 6.5 ft (2.0 m)
flame cutting, plasma cutting, marking, and an integrated
Longitudinal rails beam support: HEB - STD 4.75 in.
drilling station to pre-drill start holes on thicker materials.
(120 mm)
LineaTech RED has dual-side drives with brushless motors and Transversal beam construction: Double
digital drives in an absolute coordinate system. The systems
movement is achieved by mating rack and pinion and floating Transversal guides: Roller-bearing guides
device with a preloaded spring to assure high accuracy Rack: Vertical teeth
postioning with minimum backlash.
Longitudinal drive motor: Dual side drive
Displacement speed: 787 ipm (20 m/min)
Quality standard: ISO 9013
e EN DIN 28 206
Max no. of master carriage: 2
Max no. of slave carriage (plasma): 1
Max no. of slave carriage (oxy): 6
Double master: 2 plasma
(or 1 plasma + 1 oxy)
Gas distribution (oxy): Automatic
Max cutting thickness (oxy): 10 in. (250 mm)
Gas for oxy flame: Oxygen, propane,
MAIN FEATURES methane, acetylene
• Can be equipped with up to 6 oxyfuel and 2 plasma stations Max plasma power: Up to 400 amps
• Total beam width of up to 5.5 m, and depending on the Bevel plasma: Yes
number of work stations, covers a useful cutting width up
Bevel oxy: MR + -90°
to 4.5 m
Drilling unit type: ISO 30 for pre-hole
• Automatic oxyfuel gas distribution via 3 fully proportional
valves controlled by CNC Changing tools type: Manual, pneumatic
Tubocut type: Manual lifting
• Optional high-definition plasma cutting with automatic gas
control make LineaTech RED ideal for cutting complicated Pipe diameter: 3 in. - 20 in.
shapes, holes of small diameters, slots, and fine details (76 mm - 500 mm)
• The CNC II can be enhanced with a database for plasma Absolute coordinate: Optional
cutting parameters CNC type: Soitaab II
• Library of 30 shapes with fixed cutting parameters Parametric shape library: Standard 30
expandable to 78 shapes (Optional 78)
• LCD control panel with 15 in TFT color touch screen Database (oxy + plasma): Optional
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