Page 9 - Medicinal Chemistry Self Assessment
P. 9
PREFACE (cont’d)
Although the workbook and associated on-line content (available to instructors only) are designed to
allow learners to conduct a self assessment of their knowledge, other audiences are also likely to derive
benefit. Those individuals who teach organic chemistry to pre-health profession students may find the
use of clinically relevant agents in these problems valuable in enhancing student engagement. Pharmacy
faculty tasked with “dusting the rust” off of prerequisite course content may find the workbook a valu-
able alternative to graded homework assignments. For those pharmacy faculty who contribute to an
integrated sequence and have precious little time to review these fundamental concepts, we offer this
workbook (and previous textbook) as a solution to quickly, but thoroughly translate organic chemistry
concepts into chemistry meaningful for the pharmacy practitioner. We hope that you find the format of
the workbook amenable to modification and that you enjoy solving a variety of problems for which drug
structure evaluation can contribute.
We are thankful to have had the opportunity to contribute to learner self assessment and for those
faculty who appreciate the absolute need for practice prior to mastery.
Robin M. Zavod
Marc W. Harrold