Page 61 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 61
December 1, 2031
Dear Future Self,
Hello me! By the time you read this letter it will be December 1,2031, and you will be 26 years old.
How’s life there? You know that 2021 was the hardest year ever in your sixteen years of life but I almost
completed the mission. I hope you are living in a place that is filled with peace and maybe you will open this
letter while you are sipping green tea.
I hope you applied to the University in Germany that you wanted, and studied there and learned a lot of
things about your future job. Also, I hope you are making more friends and having more experiences. I think
you are working to reach the goals at 26.
You are probably living in Berlin as you always wanted to spend your life there or you are back home, in
Mongolia. I am planning lots of things right now such as traveling by train with friends, learning how to do yoga
and becoming more skilled in volleyball. I know you did just a few of them but I want to tell you, you are doing
great and do not blame yourself. I am trying my best to build the best version of myself for the future.
I hope you become a good person.
I want to figure out a day of my future life. I hope you get up early because then you can do lots of stuff
if you wake up early. Then eat a healthy breakfast and do yoga. After the morning routine, you will work at a
job you love. You can spend time together with your besties after a long day, spend time focusing on yourself
at home, or having fun times with your loved ones. Then do a night time routine and go to bed early.
Good luck future self.
Grade 11B