Page 2 - Missions to the MAX! Book List
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                                 BOOK LIST

                                 ONE MISSION KIDS

              1    AUSTRALIA                                           4    COLOMBIA

              Take a trip to the country that is also a                Not all libraries are found inside
              continent in this interactive book that                  buildings. Read this true story of how one
              introduces kids to Oz.                                   man made a difference with his book
                 Kids’ Travel Guide Australia,                         collection and two burros.
                     Angie Droulias, Flying Kid, 2017                      Biblioburro: A True Story from
                 ISBN-10 1910994545                                        Colombia, Jeanette Winter, Beach
                                           Lane Books, 2010
                                                                           ISBN-10 9781416997788
              2    BRAZIL

              Meet the De Goes family! Experience life                 5    ECUADOR
              in a Brazilian city through the eyes of this
              family at home, at work, at school, and
              even at the supermarket!                                 Discover what happens to the yellow
                 A Family from Brazil, Julia Waterlow,                 woodbee in this historical fiction book
                 Heinemann/Raintree, 1998                              about Niwi and the jungle pilot Nate
                 ISBN-10 0817249109                                    Saint, missionary to the Huaroni tribe of
                                                                           The Fate of the Yellow Woodbee,
                                                                           Dave and Neta Jackson, Trail Blazer
              3    CANADA                                                  Books & Bethany House Publishers,
                                                                           ISBN-10 1939445264
              Discover the wonders to the “Great
              White North” as you explore a year in the
              life of Canadian kids.                                   6    GREAT LAKES AFRICA, DRC
                 A Canadian Year: Twelve months in
                 the life of Canada's kids (A Kids'
                 Year), Tania McCartney, EK Books,                     Take a mini field trip through the DRC
                 2017                                                  to learn about its fascinating food,

                 ISBN-10:  9781925335439                               games, and culture.
                                           Welcome to the Democratic
                                                                           Republic of the Congo, Jo Wynaden
                                                                           and Nina Kushner, Gareth Stevens
                                                                           Pub, 2002
                                                                           ISBN-10 0836825306

            One Mission Kids · One Mission Society · PO Box A · Greenwood, IN 46142 · 317.888.3333 ·
                                                       Revised 08/2024
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