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13   KENYA                                                   16   MOZAMBIQUE

           Read the true story of Ben and his                           Children everywhere love to play.
           family’s adventure to the Marvelous Mud                      Discover how a little boy makes his own
           House in Kenya. Among the mango trees                        toy from pieces of wire he scavenges.
           they learn how to be full of joy instead of                  Boys and girls in Mozambique creatively
           always wanting more.                                         make their own toys just like this boy.
               The Marvelous Mud House,                                    Galimoto, Karen Lynn Williams,
                  April Graney, B&H Kids, 2017                             William Morrow, Mulberry Books,
               ISBN-13 978-1462740994                                      2000
                                           ISBN 0-688-08789-2

           14   SOUTH KOREA
                                                                        17   PHILIPPINES

           The story of Hǔngbu and Nolbu is a well-
           known Korean folktale that teaches a lesson                  Enjoy a colorful taste of the Filipino customs
           about kindness and greed.                                    and folk beliefs in this traditional tale. Rejoice
               Older Brother, Younger Brother,                          that our beliefs in Jesus are the truth and not
               Nina Jaffe, Viking Juvenile, 1995                        a fairy tale.
               ISBN-10 0670856452                                          Abadeha, The Philippine Cinderella,
                                           Myrna J. de la Paz, Lee & Low Books,
           Note: The book also delves into superstition                    ISBN 978-1-885008-17-6
           and talks of demons and evil spirits which             
           punished the greedy brother.)
                                                                        Note: The author wrote she pulled together
                                                                        local religious beliefs and practices in retelling
           15   MEXICO                                                  the story. For example, instead of a fairy
                                                                        godmother, the main character prays to the
                                                                        spirits of her ancestors and the spirit of the
           Are you ready for market day? We are! Learn                  forest responds. There is spirit worship and
           fun Spanish words while visiting a lively                    even a sacrifice made at the main character’s
           Mexican market.                                              mother’s grave to obtain the spirit’s favor.
               Saturday Market, Patricia Grossman
               and Enrique O. Sanchez, Harper
               Collins, 1994
               ISBN 0-8234-0520-6

           Note: The story mentions a woman selling
           voodoo dolls, and potions used to cast spells
           for good and bad luck.                                         MISSIONS TO THE MAX!
                                                                         BOOK LIST

            One Mission Kids · One Mission Society · PO Box A · Greenwood, IN 46142 · 317.888.3333 ·
                                                       Revised 08/2024
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