Page 5 - Missions to the MAX! Book List
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18   SOUTH ASIA                                                21   USA

           Discover how to say 1,000 words in                             God is My Boss tells the story of how God
           Bengali (language of Bangladesh) with                          used an ordinary man, Stanley Tam, to
           the help of fun illustrations about food,                      do extraordinary things when he literally
           animals, colors, numbers, and more.                            gave his business to the Lord.
               Learn Bengali for Beginners, My First                         God is My Boss, Shirley Carlson, One
               1000 Words, Effie Delarosa, 2022                              Mission Society, 2014
               ISBN-13 979-8437612477                                        ISBN- 978-1-62245-631-4

           19   SPAIN                                                   STAY TUNED. MORE TO COME.

           Take an armchair trip through Spain! Discover                One Missions Kids is excited to continue to
           in puzzle form the enchanting cities, the                    provide new resources and content for you as
           beauty of the country and some of Spain’s                    you shape and shepherd the next generation
           historical events in the 21 colorful, wordless               of missionary-hearted leaders. More countries
           layouts of this book.                                        are being added to the Missions to the MAX
              Anno’s Spain, Mitsumasa Anno, Beautiful                   resources. Here is a look at what is coming:
              Feet Books, 2017
              ISBN 0-3992-4238-4                                        In Progress:

                                                                       Up Next:
           20   UKRAINE                                                    ASIA / OCEANIA
                                                                           HONG KONG
           Anya is excited to take part in the Ukrainian                   NEW ZEALAND
           egg tradition of decorating eggs. But with                      NICARAGUA
           papa at war, and no eggs to turn into colorful                  PERU
           treasures how will they celebrate Easter?                       RUSSIA
              Easter Eggs for Anya, Virginia Kroll,                        THAILAND
              Zonderkidz, 2007                                             UNITED KINGDOM
              ISBN-10 0310710790

                                                                          MISSIONS TO THE MAX!
                                                                         BOOK LIST

            One Mission Kids · One Mission Society · PO Box A · Greenwood, IN 46142 · 317.888.3333 ·
                                                       Revised 08/2024
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