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             LOOKING FORWARD

             TO THE 2024 AUSC

             W                                                    Malawians, I am very proud to report to you

                      elcome to the second and special
             edition of the Malawi National Council               that this year’s AUSC Region 5 games has
             of Sports (MNCS) newsletter.                         seen noticeable improvement of results by
                                                                  our athletes in various sports codes. At the
             As  the  nation  is  aware  that  last  year,  Malawi   end of the tournament, Team Malawi hauled a
             successfully played host of the African Union        total of 37 medals (2 gold, 10 silver and 25
             Sports Council (AUSC) Region 5 under 20 Youth        bronze) which is a very huge leap compared
             Games in Lilongwe from December 2 to 11, the         to last tournament which was held in Maseru,
             council has seen it necessary to highlight events of   Lesotho in 2021 where Team Malawi collect-
             the tournament in this special edition of the        ed 29 medals.
             MNCS Newsletter.
             So far, Malawians can carry themselves with patri-   Last year’s results are a vivid and encouraging
             otic pride for holding hands to host a successful    fact that the country is taking huge strides in
             tournament on and o  the playing fields. The          the improvement of performance in various
             tournament was, arguably, one of if not the best     sports codes. One example is results in volley-
             organised since the inception of the AUSC            ball.  Malawi  had  hitherto  last  tournament
             Region 5 games.                                      never participated in the volleyball category
                                                                  of  the  AUSC  Region  5 games.  However,
             To begin with, it needs to be highlighted that the   despite being debutants Team Malawi’s volley-
             MNCS’ main responsibility in the AUSC Region 5       ball team managed to clinch bronze which is
             Youth Games was and is to produce a team to          not a mean achievement. The basketball,
             represent Malawi and compete in the games.           which has been idle for a long time without
             While paying homage to all Malawians who             playing, gave Malawians something to cheer
             contributed to the success of the games, either      about and some glimmer of hope that, with
             physically mentally and in kind, the council feels   thorough preparations and frequent games,
             extremely proud to have executed it responsibili-    the future of basketball is bright. The basket-
             ty with enviable acumen, dedication and patrio-      ball team also won bronze. This has also given
             tism.                                                the  council  the  much-needed  energy  to
                                                                  revitalize and liven all sporting codes to realize
                                                                  their potential.

                ISSUE NO: 2                                                           SPECIAL EDITION FOR TEAM MALAWI 2022 LILONGWE GAMES  2
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