P. 3

Questions might arise from some spaces on        Ladies and gentlemen, I will not do justice if do
              how we did not perform well in other codes       not thank our young athletes who made sure
              particularly in gymnastics. It should be made    that as a host nation we should not be embar-
              clear to  all  Malawians  that,  initially,  Malawi   rassed as they represented the flag with
              concentrated on 10 sports codes. However,        passion, commitment, dignity and honor. They
              as per dictates of the AUSC Region 5, a host     deserve our collective applause.
              national is obliged to participate in all sports
              codes. As hosts we registered gymnastics         Let me also thank the Secretariat for their
              late. We are so confident that we have            ceaseless e ort which immaculately put
              learned from the mistake and we are hopeful      systems in place to come up with a team of
              that at the next games the team will compete     blossoming athletes who put up a gallant fight
              in all sports disciplines with verve.            at the tournament. Homage should also be
                                                               extended to past and present council mem-
              I also would like to highlight one important     bers who, in a fashion of relay run, passed on
              thing. The public should also be made aware      the baton till the finish line. The media, too,
              that MNCS’s roles in the AUSC games are          deserves honor for the excellent coverage of
              administrative in nature. MNCS merely            all games at the tournament. You indeed are
              oversees,   coordinates,   regulates  and        builders of a nation.
              controls sports in Malawi. MNCS does not          I earnestly do  my hut for our young heroes,
              select or identify athletes to be in Team        the athletes, who showed hunger and deter-
              Malawi. This is the duty of sports associa-      mination to improve results by adding eight
              tions who have the responsibility to identify    more medals to the previous 29. A benchmark
              athletes to be in Team Malawi as well as         has been set indeed. Our young athletes
              identifying coaches and team managers of         carried the Malawi flag with pride, gusto, patri-
              various disciplines to train, prepare and        otism, dedication and sacrifice.
              manage athletes. This is a typical example of
              working in synergy which has seen Malawi         Ladies and gentlemen, before I conclude, let
              taking huge steps while aiming to leap higher.    me also take this opportunity to thank all
                                                               those who patronized the games. A special
              I would—on behalf of MNCS— like to               mention should be made of people of Mtan-
              extend my gratitude to the Minister of Youth     dire, Area 25 and Kawale who gave their
              and Sports Richard Chimwendo Banda, MP           unwavering support to Team Malawi which
              who e ectively became a foreman to ensure        gave the athletes springboard to leap higher.
              the facilities were ready on time for the
              games. We cannot not talk of successfully        As Council we are already looking forward to
              hosting the games without mentioning the         the 2024 AUSC Region 5 games in Mozam-
              Local  Organizing  Committee (LOC)  which        bique where we expect to break the record
              was chaired by Mr. Dennis Mombera.               that Team Malawi has set at home.
              Despite the challenges prior to the games,
              the committee organized rolled up its            I believe you will enjoy reading this special
              sleeves and put on double shifts so that we      newsletter for the Region 5 youth games.
              successfully host a tournament which will be
              a reference point of excellence in coming

         Sport!                                        BUSINESS Let us play!


                ISSUE NO: 2                                                             SPECIAL EDITION FOR TEAM MALAWI 2022 LILONGWE GAMES 3
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