Page 205 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 205


             PS-8      12.    Do you go to a day program or work program (program or center where
                      other people with disabilities spend their days)?
                       (Do you go to______________________________________?)

                       Information for the surveyor: Day programs for people with I/DD are typically
                       segregated and may provide socialization, habilitation, prevocational and skills
                       training, social and/or recreational activities.

                       Work programs are facility-based day programs where people with I/DD spend
                       their days in a segregated setting to carry out specific tasks (often piece-work).

                           □  2. Yes →Ask CA-4 and 13
                           □  1. No →Code CA-4 and 13 as ‘Not applicable’

                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response →Code CA-4 and 13 as
                               ‘Don’t know, no response, unclear response’

                       CA-4. Are there staff at your day program or work program who speak your
                              preferred language?
                           □  98. Not Applicable, does not attend day program or work program
                           □  2. Yes
                           □  3. Sometimes

                           □  1. No
                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

                       13.    I’d like to know about the amount of time you spend at the day
                              program or work program. We have four choices to choose from.

                       [Read options to person]

                           □  98. Not applicable – does not go to day program or work program
                           □  2. I would like to spend more time there
                           □  3. I am happy with the amount of time I spend there
                           □  4. I would like to spend less time there
                           □  1. I do not want to spend any time there

                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

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