Page 208 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 208
20. Do you have a best friend, or someone you are really close to? (Is there
someone you can talk to about personal things?) Can include staff or
family member
□ 2. Yes, has a best friend
□ 1. No, does not have a best friend
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
21. Do you want more help to make new friends or keep in contact with
your friends?
□ 2. Yes
□ 3. Maybe
□ 1. No
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
22. Can you see your friends when you want to? (Can you meet up with
your friends when you want to?)
□ 98. Not applicable – does not have any friends →Code 23 as ‘Not
□ 2. Yes →Code 23 as ‘Not applicable’
□ 3. Sometimes can’t see friends (e.g., not enough staff or transportation)
→Ask 23
□ 1. No, often unable to see friends →Ask 23
□ 99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response →Code 23 as ‘Don’t
know, no response, unclear response’
23. If no or sometimes, why can’t you see your friends when you want to?
98. Not applicable – does not have friends or can see friends when they
want to (or does not want to)
1. Lack of transportation
2. Lack of support staff
3. Rules or restrictions about seeing friends
4. Money/cost of going out
5. Difficult finding a good time to get together
6. Other:________________________________________________
99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
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