Page 209 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 209


                       24.    Do you have other ways of talking, chatting or communicating with
                              your friends when you cannot see them? (Like over the phone, through
                              email, texting, messaging, etc.?)
                           □  98. Not applicable – does not have friends
                           □  2. Yes
                           □  3. Sometimes
                           □  1. No

                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

                       25.    Can you go on a date if you want to?
                           □  98. Not applicable – does not want to date
                           □  2. Yes, can date or is married or living with partner
                           □  3. Yes, but there are some restrictions or rules about dating
                           □  1. No

                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

                       26.    Do you ever feel lonely? (Do you ever feel like you don’t have anyone to
                              talk to?)
                       [If the person responds “yes,” probe to determine how often they feel lonely.]

                           □  2. Yes, often
                           □  3. Sometimes

                           □  1. No, not often
                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response
                       27.    Can you see and/or communicate with your family when you want to?
                              (Can you pick the times you see them? Does someone help you make
                              plans to see them?)

                       If family is not available or doesn’t wish to have contact, code as ‘Not applicable’.
                       If the person has family but doesn’t want to see them, code as ‘Yes, sees family
                       when they want to, or chooses not to see family’.

                           □  98. Not applicable – lives with family, family not available, person

                               doesn’t have family, or family doesn’t have contact
                           □  2. Yes, sees family when they want to, or chooses not to see family
                           □  3. Sometimes
                           □  1. No
                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

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