Page 211 - QAP Manual 2020
P. 211


                       CA-6.  Do you have access to the technology you need to engage in activities?
                              (Check all that apply)
                           □  2. Yes, I have internet
                           □  3. Yes, I have a smart phone

                           □  4. Yes, I have a computer/tablet/other electronic device
                           □  1. No, I do not have a computer/tablet/other electronic device
                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

                       31.    Sometimes people need help with things like getting dressed, taking a
                              shower, brushing your teeth, etc. Do you ever need help with these?

                       Note to surveyors: In this question we are asking whether the person needs any
                       support for activities of daily living (ADLs). This support can take the form of
                       physical assistance, reminders, cues, etc.
                           □  2. Yes
                           □  3. Sometimes
                           □  1. No →Code 32 as ‘Not applicable’

                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response →Code 32 as ‘Don’t
                               know, no response, unclear response’

                       32.    Do you want to learn to do more of this for yourself? (or on your own?)

                           □  98. Not applicable, does not need help with self-care
                           □  2. Yes
                           □  1. No
                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

                       Rights & Privacy

                       33.    Do people read your mail or email without asking you first?

                           □  98. Not applicable – does not get mail/email
                           □  2. Yes, mail/email is read without permission
                           □  1. No, person reads own mail/email or others read with permission
                           □  99. Don’t know, no response, unclear response

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