Page 11 - 1988 Plymouth Rotary Annual Report
P. 11

John was  born  in Detroit in  1940 and spent his  early life in  Plymouth
            where his family moved in  1 9 5 1.  He had first met  Ralph Lorenz (who
            later  became  his  co -sponser  to  Plymouth  Rotary  along  with  Bob
            Sparling)  in  19 50 at  the  Mayflower.  After  attending Plymouth  area
            schools  (Mike  Hoben  was  one  of  his  teachers  at  Plymouth  High),  he
            received  his  undergraduate  education  at  the  University  of  Arizona
            and  University  of  Michigan,  followed  by Detroit  College  of  Law  and
            Golden  Gate  University  School  of  Law  in  San  Francisco  where  he
            graduated in  1968.
            In  1968 John  returned  to  live  in  Plymouth  and  the  following  year
            married  the  former  Carol  Stephenson,  another  long  time  Plymouth
            resident, who was a first grade teacher at Tanger Elementary.  When
            Carol was  a  candidate  for Plymouth's "Miss Sweet Charity" in  1966,
            which  she  eventually  won,  she  had  spoken  to  the  Plymouth  Rotary
            Club  and  felt  it was  the  "finest service  club  in  Plymouth."  We  know
            where John received his inspiration.
            Donald Morgan  and John were both inducted into Plymouth Rotary  on
            June  11,  1971  by District Governor H. William Ives who later became
            a Director of Rotary International.
            As  a  Rotarian  John  has  served  District  640  twice  as  District
            Secretary  and  has  served  on  the  World  Community  Service
            Committee,  as  an  Area  Rep.  for  R.  I.  Foundation  Committee,  and  this
            past year  as a District Governor's Representative.  On  the local club
            level,  he  has  chaired  and  served  on  various  committees  and  is  a
            member of the Board of Directors.
            In  the  community  John  has  been  involved  in  various  activities
            including  Plymouth  Community  Chamber  of  Commerce  Board  of
            Directors, Plymouth  Community Fund, Elks Club, Boy  Scouts, and  was
            appointed  by  a  U. s. Senator  to  the  Military  Acadamies  Screening
            Committee.  In  the  legal profession he  has been a  special  counsel  to
            and  Hearing  Panel  Chairperson  of  the  Attorney  Discipline  Board,
            elected to three  terms  in  the  Representative  Assembly  of the State
            Bar  Association  of Trial  lawyers of  America.  He is  a  member  of  the
            Michigan Trial Lawyers  Association and  is a  graduate of the National
            Institute of Trial Advocacy at Northwestern University.  He is also an
            Elder in his church.
            Carol  and  John  are  proud  of  their  two  sons,  Jeffrey  ( 18)  and
            Christopher  ( 16),  who  are both  Eagle  Scouts.  Jeff intends  to  enter
            the  pre-law  program  at  James  Madison  College  of  Michigan  State
            University.  Chris is a  Sophomore at the  Plymouth Christian Academy
            and is interested in aeronautical engineering.
            Carol  continues  to  be  an  active  supporter  of  Rotary  and  was
            President of our Rotary Anns in  1 9 8 4 - 8 5.

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