Page 12 - 1988 Plymouth Rotary Annual Report
P. 12


         In  September,  the Rotary  Anns enjoyed muffins and  coffee while  watching
         a Fashion Show put on by Unique  Acessories of Plymouth.  Vivian Bradburn
         was a  most gracious hostess this fun morning:
         November found us busy at the Cultural Center, making a  lovely silk flower
         heart basket.  Sally  Petersen provided  a  salad lunch  which  was especially
         good with a  dessert of birthday cake for Lou Stremich.
         Our  spring outing  was  lunch  and  a  musical  at the  Birmingham  Theater.  We
         were  also  hostesses  in  the  Plymouth  hospitality  room  at  the  District  640
         Conference in Kitchner.
         Our  annual  Rotary  Ann  pot luck  picnic  was, again,  enjoyed by  our  Rotarian
         husbands at Plymouth Township Park.  More than ninety people attended.
         Last  year,  we  had  a  lot of  fun  and  did  a  lot of  work  at  the  Fall  Festival.
         The Rotary Club  has  asked us to help again  this  year ... folding boxes in  the
         morning, selling corn in the park and selling tickets.
         We  are  planning  some  more  fun  activities.  Judy  Morgan,  editor  and  cub
         reporter of the Rotary Ann Newsletter, will keep us informed.
         President Lee

                  1 9 8 6 - 1 9 8 7 OFFICERS  and COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS
         Lee Ferman . . . . . . . . .  President   Judy Morgan . . . .  Past President
         Ruby Mcclendon  .  Vice President   Program  . . . . . . .  Sally Petersen
         Shirley Brown  ..... . .  Secretary   Calling  . . . . . .  Charlotte Gaffield
         Terri Farrell  ... . .... Treasurer   Sunshine       Lou Stremich

                                 PAST PRESIDENTS
         Mary Gardiner  .. ... .  1947-48    Audrey Borregard    1967-68
         Clella Smith  ........ .  1948-49   Theresa Covington . . .  1968-69
         Maxine Willoughby  .. .  1949-50    Billie Bidwell  ....... .  1969-70
         Elizabeth Mather .... .  1950-51    Mae Lundin  . .. ... .. .  1970-71
         Mary Arlen  .... .... .  1951-52    Marie Druce  ....... .  1971-72
         Monnie Goddard  .... .  1952-53     Dorothy Sincock .... .  1972-73
         Betty Mayhew  ..... .  1953-54      Mary Jo Workman  .. .  1973-74
         Mickey Beyer  ..... . .  1954-55    Virginia Morrison  . . .. .  1974-75
         Florence Taylor  . . .. .  1955-56   Margaret Koeninger  . .  1975-76
         Juanita Sutherland  . . .  1956-57   Sally Peterson  . .... .  1976-77
         Florence Taylor  .... .  1957-58    Sandra Lankenau  ... .  1977-78
         Catherine Westover  ..  1958-59     Gail LaRiche  ....... .  1978-79
         Mary Richwine  . . ... .  1959-61   Jan Carney  ........ .  1979-80
         Helynn Caplin  ...... .  1961-62    Lois Taylor  ........ .  1980-82
         Blanche Johanson ... .  1962-63     Rita Feldkamp ...... .  1982-84
         Robin  Thomas  .... . . .  1963-64   carol Vos  ... . .... . .  1984-85
         Rita McClumpha       1964-66        Judy Morgan . ...... .  1985-87
          Vivian Bradburn  .....  1966-67

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