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               ➢ VisionoftheUniversity/College

                  AleadingResearchUniversityin theASEANRegion.

               ➢ Missionofthe University/College

                  The Isabela State University is committed to develop highly trained and globally competent professionals;
                  generate innovative and cutting-edge knowledge and technologies for people empowerment and
                  sustainable development; engage in viable resource generation programs; and maintain and enhance
                  stronger partnerships under good governance to advance the interests of national and international

               ➢ Goals oftheAcademic Unit

                  The Colllegeshalltrain God fearing, innovative and competent graduates directedtowards thedelivery of safe

               ➢ Objectives/Outcomes oftheProgram

                  Upon completion of the Nursing Program, the graduates should be able to:

                  1. Demonstrate professional competencies in safe and quality care, management of
                     resource and environment, health education, legal responsibility, personal and
                     professional development, quality improvement, record management,
                     communication, collaboration and team work, ethico-moral responsibility, and
                     development of the student’s aesthetic an cultural values.
                  2. Conduct and utilize research finding in nursing practice in various setting.

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