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TheStrategic DevelopmentPlan(2019–2024) of theIsabelaStateUniversitywasapprovedbytheBoard
                  of Regents during the combined 220 AND 221 Regular Meeting on August 19, 2020 via Video
                  Conferencing through theissuance of theBORResolution No. 212s2020.

                   Result ofthe interview withthe administrators,faculty, staff andstudents

                  The approval of the Five-Year Strategic Development Plan was disseminated to the different colleges and
                  campuses. The VMGOs were printed in bulletin boards, catalogues/manuals and other forms of
                  communication media( websiteandwebpages).

           4.   BEST PRACTICES

                  The Strategic Development Plan 2014 – 2019 and ISU Strategic Development Plan 2019 – 2024 were
                  crafted after a series of consultations, planning workshops and benchmarking trips participated by various
                  stakeholders of the university. It is a product of a long and extended process spanning the transition of
                  leadershipof theUniversity.

           5 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP/AreaI:TheVision,Mission,GoalsandObjectives/CON
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