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d. Non-Teaching The non-teaching staff of the University were present May 17, 2018
Personnel during the Strategic Planning Workshop February 26-27,
Thenon-teaching staffoftheCollegewerepresent October 15-18,
during College meetings 2017
e. Students Students were ably represented in the Strategic May 17, 2018
Planning Workshop February 26-27,
Participation in studies on “Awareness October 15-18,
and Acceptability of VMGO” 2017
f. Alumni Attendance to alumni and multi-stakeholder September 22,
meetings. 2018
Participation in the study on, “A Study on the
Awareness, Acceptability, and Understanding of
Graduate Students on the ISUE Vision,
Mission, Goals, and Objectives”
g. Cooperating Involvement in the dissemination of VMGOs Year round
h. Industries Feedbackonthemanpower requirement of industries Year round
➢ BOR/BOT Resolution Approving the
Through the issuance of Resolution No. 15,
S. 2019, the Vision and Mission statements
was approved on February 13, 2019 during
the 216 Regular Meeting of the Board of
Regents of the Isabela State University, held
at the Conference Room, Nueva Vizcaya
State University, Bayombong, Nueva
4 | P a g e - OBQA-PPP/AreaI:TheVision,Mission,GoalsandObjectives/CON